Saturday, December 28, 2019

Explanations of Close Association of Grimms Fairy Tales with Childhood Free Essay Example, 2250 words

A counter research dedicated to the study of children s literature remarked In many ways children's literature and fairy tale stories are on odd pairing, children's books and especially picture books, after all, are supposed to be child friendly, whereas many fairy tales, including many of the ones that can be found here, are not exactly child friendly . A counter research dedicated to the study of children s literature remarked In many ways children's literature and fairy tale stories are on odd pairing, children's books and especially picture books, after all, are supposed to be child friendly, whereas many fairy tales, including many of the ones that can be found here, are not exactly child friendly . The concepts of beauty, an ugly, good, bad, handsome prince and cruel witches, impostors, dark jungles etc have created a typical culture in thought and behaviour of children. No doubt Cinderella creates an image of beautiful, dainty, na ve Girls. To add to it, she is good-hear ted, good-natured but helpless and tortured by the foster sisters, who are invariably ugly and their mother who is the epitome of cruelty provokes similar behaviour in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Explanations of Close Association of Grimms Fairy Tales with Childhood or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page They adapted their story versions to the suitability of children in that area and time otherwise they would not have gained so much popularity. Reaching out to the levels of masses especially those of children through stories was a natural process of growing up. So all children inculcated whatever they read or heard in these stories.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

American Abstract Art Essay example - 2414 Words

Abstract Expressionism is considered a triumph in American Painting. It is still the most discussed and debated form of twentieth century American art, and still influences generations of artists. It used the cultural references of the tragic, the unconscious, the sublime and the primitive to create a unique and evocative style of painting that was unique in the art world. Though some may view Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism as similar, the thing that made it fundamentally different, according to Motherwell, was that the artists worked more `directly and `violently and on a `much larger scale physically than the surrealists ever had. (Page 40, David and Cecil) It also seems important to Motherwell to have a style that†¦show more content†¦That a painting could be read in this way reveals its sublime aura. Rothko saw the `clouds of colour in his paintings as abstract `performers possessing tragic or ethereal demeanours. (Page 23, Hopkins) The size of the paintings functioned as a representation of scale. Viewers could measure themselves against the coloured blocks. `This could lead to the feeling of being enveloped or transported out of the body, (Page 23, Hopkins) Frank OHara also considered scale important in Pollocks paintings, because of the `emotional effect of the painting upon the spectator. (Page 28, OHara) `Blue Poles, by Pollock is seven feet high and some sixteen feet across. Robertson describes it as a `world self contained and utterly convincing which the spectator should be flexible to enter, explore and move about in. (Page 29, Robertson) Gottlieb and Rothko were inspired by primitive and archaic art, but removed any symbols from their original context, making their connotations inaccessible to the general public. The viewer could not tell what these symbols meant to the artist by simply viewing the painting, but this was perhaps not their intention. The artists themselves viewed their work as a `poetic expression of the essence of the myth. (Page 10, David and Cecil) Primitive mythology often inspired the Abstract Expressionists painting, includingShow MoreRelated The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay1105 Words   |  5 Pages There are generally two types of paintings- representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. ( ) The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of t he artist and the elements of design rather than exact representation. This broad definition allowsRead MoreAbstract Expressionism1371 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract Expressionism is making its comeback within the art world. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Family Argument free essay sample

A Family Argument What was it about? Why did the argument start? When did it take place? Who were involved? Where did it happen? How was the problem solved? My family subscribes to the philosophy that family arguments, though unpleasant, are healthy and even necessary. Like my father says, they are like antibodies that fight virus in human body and eventually some good may result. My otherwise close knit family polarized by the fact that I have always been my fathers pet while my brother, Bernie, is mums pet. On one occasion, this gave rise to arguments but the differences were resolved eventually. I used to resent the fact that I had to help out with most of the household chores while Bernie got away with only some light task. Things came to a head after a family party when my mother and I went to wash up more than fifty dishes, while my brother decided to watch a late-night movie. We will write a custom essay sample on A Family Argument or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Seething with anger, I deliberately banged the dishes and pans while I washed them to create a racket to disrupt his enjoyment of the movie. Then, my brother stomped nto the kitchen, yelled at me and told me to keep it quiet. Hey! Why dont you show me how to wash all these without making a noise! I restored. Why should I? he asked without taking the bait. IVe already helped out during the party, serving everybody dinner while you were flirting with the boys! Anyway, it is a girls Job to do housework. He walked out of the kitchen triumphantly. His baseless allegations and sexist remarks riled me Just like he wanted. In my anger, I slammed the dishes even harder and stormed into the living room, switched off the TV and insisted that my brother apologized to me for making that rude statement. All this while, my mother kept reminding me that neighbors were sleeping. My father, who agreed with me that Bernie was rude, said that he should apologize. This was when Bernie went against my father and said that he always took my side. My father replied that the reason he did so was because Bernie had been spoiled by my mother. My mother lost her temper at being accused of incompetent parenting much that I was bold enough to be rude to my elder brother. The next thing we knew, everybody started yelling at the same time. My grandmother who was patiently observing all these from her room hit her walking stick on the iron grills to get out attention. Shame on all of you! Arguing children at this time of the night! Of course everybody is stressed out from the work we put into the party. This wouldnt have happened if all of you chipped in and cleaned up the house. She then delegate each of us a task in the kitchen, which proved that many hands made light work. Still Fuming with anger, we quietly retreated into the kitchen and carried out our assigned tasks. The comical part that as we worked together, the tension dissipated and by the end, it was Just too ridiculous to stay angry. We ended up laughing instead. The irony was that although Bernie had to swallow the bitter pill of being forced to do his share of housework, he soon discovered that he enjoyed it and my parents learnt to treat us as equals. Please consider what are the themes of this essay? Eg, Equality, Inequality, Conflict, Argument, Rage, Cooperation, Fairness, Discord, Anger, Predicament, Pride, Dignity, Change, Perseverance, Reward, Stubbornness. Amending the introduction: I have always wanted to change my brothers bad attitude. I have tried to talk to him and my parents many times but nothing changed. Nevertheless, I still persevered, hoping he would change. One fine day, my perseverance finally got its reward. My brother was very proud and stubborn and never helped in household chores. His pride was beyond description. However, one incident changed him drastically for good.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Who Makes the Journey free essay sample

In most cases its is the the old woman who makes the Journey the old man having had the sense to stay put and die at home you see her scurrying behind her newly arrived family. She comes from the Azores and she comes from the the Orient. It makes no difference. You have seen her before the short substantial legs buckle under the weight of the child she carried centuries ago Like a bundle of rags who now turns in front of your windshield, transformed In western clothes The grown Oman stops impatiently and self-consciously to motion Hurry to her mother.The title when I read the title It thought It was going to be about someone who makes a Journey fun or worth while. Summary the poem Is mainly about the narrator and her growing well trying to grow up way too fast and that only women move on with teller lives and men only look back at the old stuff. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Makes the Journey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It alas Also that if you keep on moving forward you are going to meet new people so in the poem she puts that she tells her mother to hurry so she was the one ho was moving on with her life and she was trying to have a follower so she told her mother to hurry up.Attitude the narrators attitude is good she is not mad and she is Just trying to tell her Life story but when it gets to the ending she changes her tone and hurrys her mother so she is like rushed and is trying to move fast. Shifts in the beginning of the poem her voice is sad and depressed then it changes and describes the main character in the poem so her voice changes their. Then at the end of the poem she is very inpatient and is in a hurry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

13 Skills You Need to Put On Your Resume

13 Skills You Need to Put On Your Resume You got skills. And you know how to use them. Presumably, that’s why you’re trying to get someone to pay you for them. Your resume is nothing if not a fancy package of your skills- but did you know that not all skills are created equally? Skills that helped you win your college ping pong championship are not necessarily the same ones that will land you the new job you want, so you have to be discerning. Here are 13  skill types, and how to use them on your resume if you have them.The Hard Skillsâ€Å"Hard† skills are the ones that can tie most directly to the job you’re seeking. They’re easy for a recruiter or an interviewer to recognize and quantify, and they tell a lot about you. These include:1. Foreign language fluency2. Specific certifications you may have3. Computer programming skills4. Typing speed (words per minute)5. Specific software proficiency and training6. Proofreading and copyediting skillsHard skills don’t leave a lot of wig gle room, so this is not an area you want to fudge. If you put on your resume that you speak excellent French, when your experience is really limited to 8th  grade lessons, you run the risk of interviewing with someone who spent a semester in Paris. And when that happens†¦c’est dommage, mon ami.Building hard skills is pretty straightforward as well. If you want to learn HTML coding to add it to your resume, you can take any number of online courses or tutorials. If you want to get your typing skills up to 80 words per minute, you can drill yourself until you get up to speed (ha). These are specific skills with specific goals.The Soft Skillsâ€Å"Soft† skills are less tangible abilities. They’re just as important, because they tell the resume reader more about what you could bring to the job on a day-to-day basis. Soft skills include things like:7. Teamwork/collaboration8. Time management9. Flexibility and adaptability8. Communication skills9. Problem solv ing10. Conflict resolution11. NegotiationUnlike hard skills, soft skills do often leave a bit of room for interpretation. You can adapt all sorts of real world scenarios to back them up. For example, if you brokered peace between feuding teams in your last job, boom- negotiation skills. Where hard skills tell the reader information right away, soft skills are more about showing. Always have specific examples of your soft skills in mind, so that you can come up with evidence on the spot if necessary.If you want to build soft skills, it might not be as easy as with the hard skills, but it can be done. You can take public speaking courses to improve your communication skills, or sign up to volunteer in order to gain experience. Another great way to boost soft skills is to pick a mentor, and work with that person on areas where you could use some enhancement/improvement. Downloading someone else’s expertise can help you see what you need, and can help you brainstorm ways to get t here.The Skills to AvoidRemember when I said not all skills are created equally in resume world? There are some skills that don’t necessarily belong on your resume, no matter how awesome you are at them. Unless they apply directly to the job at hand, there’s no reason to include skills like these:Personal/hobby skillsSports skillsAcademic skillsWhile these are all great, and probably show how well-rounded you are as a person, they undermine your resume as a lean, mean, job-specific machine. Unless you’re applying for grad school or a volunteer position based on your extra-professional hobbies, these types of skills shouldn’t be on your official resume.Your resume should be a snapshot of the best of your abilities, as they pertain to your next job opportunity. You already have a ton of skills, so it’s just a matter of rounding them up and figuring out which ones make for the best applicant package.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Consent Decree and its change of Floridas Education System.

The Consent Decree and its change of Floridas Education System. Before the creation of the Florida Consent Decree there were many other laws that were created to protect students as well as minorities. A few include Equal Education Opportunity Act and Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Education Opportunity Act was developed in 1974 and was created to prohibit discriminatory conduct such as separating students based on their race and color. This act also protected discrimination against faculty and staff members. The Equal Education Opportunity Act also required districts to take action in overcoming language barriers that students faced that often caused problems with equal participation within education programs. One of the most important acts in US history as well as education history is that of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act's Title VI pretends to education. The act prevents elementary and secondary schools as well as colleges from discriminating anyone based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin.Civ il Rights Act of 1964The FloridaThe Florida Consent Decree was created in order to better serve the ever changing student population in the public schools of Florida. The decree came about after the State of Florida was sued by minority groups. These groups felt that their children were not getting the fair treatment they deserved with the laws of the Equal Education Opportunity Act, Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Florida Educational Equity Act, and other federal and state laws. The decree was developed in order to have mandated standards and guidelines throughout the state's school districts to provide services for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students.There are six main issues that the Consent Decree covers. These six main issues are Identification and Assessment, Equal Access to Appropriate Programming, Equal Access to Appropriate Categorical and other programs...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BizCafe Business Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BizCafe Business Plan - Coursework Example This business plan takes us through the Never Enough Cafe’s journey since birth to growth. This business has mimicked the production curve throughout its existence. The marketing plan plays a vital role in determining areas of improvement and the appropriate measures. The main aim of any business is to make profits; this is not an exemption, therefore, these strategies aim at improving the status of the business. 1.0 Company description Never Enough Cafe is a small business, which has been in existence for over a month. The main aim of this cafe is profit making, and its mission statement includes â€Å"to ensure that our customer’s professional and courteous service, by selling remarkable coffee at fair prices and maintaining a clean and comfortable space for our customers and staff; to consistently provide our customers with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, graciousness, efficiency, knowledge, professionalism and integrity in our work, with a focus on styl e and hygiene.† The main objective of the business is to attract customers by offering the best services, with an aim of increasing revenues. This business specializes in only one beverage, which is coffee, but which varies from coffee latte, coffee black to cappuccino. The company is in its growing stages and has 10 employees among which three are managers while the rest are servers. The manager’s salaries are $670 while the servers are paid $9.00 an hour. The business operates six days in a week and recently changed its opening hours to as opposed to The current prices of our coffee are as follows; small cup at $3.00, medium cup at $3.50, whilst the large cup goes for $4.00. This business has adopted the differentiation strategy, which enables it to be unique in terms of its products and services, for instance, by offering a variety of different type of coffee and in different sizes so as to cater for all types of customers. In addition, the cafe possesses a four-cup automatic espresso, which contributes to effectiveness when catering many customers. The cafe is also insured and has adopted a logo, which is visible on the coffee cups. The cafe markets its product via the newspaper at $200 per day and on the radio twice per day at $560. The cafe is located on the main street, therefore targeting a variety of customers, who include university students, the university staff, downtown entrepreneurs, and their clients. 2.0 Market analysis Marketing analysis is used as a tool by businesses aiming at understanding their operating environment better. According to the local labor news, the average manager’s wages is at $635 per week while the server’s wages are at $8.88 per hour. Nevertheless, our cafe pays the employees above the local average rates, such that, servers are paid $9 per hour while managers are paid $670 per week. In addition, the average turnover rate is low in the market as it is at 14%; our cafe has not had majo r issues with turnover as only one server has quit since the business started. We opted to offer our employees on-the-job training, which is cheap and effective. The employee salaries have always been reviewed and increased when necessary, according to Lathan (2009, p.78), motivated employees result to higher performance, which in return increases a company’s productivity. In period six, the customer satisfaction rate was at 54%, while the industry average customer’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Psychological (market segmentation) of Hong Kong Essay

Psychological (market segmentation) of Hong Kong - Essay Example 1998, 6) of people in the target market. On the other hand, Jakubiak et al. (1990) note that psychological or psychographic market segmentation is based on the research over specific characteristics of the target market: ‘sex, age, income and education’ (Jakubiak et al. 1990, p.15). In accordance with the above, the psychological market segmentation of Hong Kong could be analyzed as follows: In Hong Kong the high percentage of population (74.8%) is between 15 and 64 years old (Index Mundi 2011); men are approximately as many as women, with a slight superiority of women though. The entire population is urban, at least referring to the structure of the population in 2010 (Index Mundi 2011). The life expectancy of the population has been estimated to 82 years; women are likely to live longer reaching the 84 years while men tend to live up to the 79 years, at least at an average level (Index Mundi 2011). In accordance with a recent governmental report, in 2009 the population of Hong was estimated to 7 million. In the same report it is noted that in 2009 females were more than males, ‘889 males for 1000 females’ (Hong Kong government 2011). It is also mentioned that the educational level of the population has significantly improved the last 5 years; in 2009 the percentage of people attained a post-secondary educational institution reached the 25.7% - from 22.8% in 2004 (Hong Kong government 2011). As for the average income of local population, this was estimated to $17,500 – for the fourth quarter 2004 (Hong Kong Government 2004). Taking into consideration the above facts, the performance of Dippin Dots in the market of Hong Kong is expected to be significant; the specific product addresses a high percentage of the population – in terms of age and activities: from children in school to individuals at work. Women, who are likely to consume sweets more than men and who are the majority in Hong Kong, are expected to love

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nature of Health Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature of Health Information - Essay Example Patient-specific needs such as a centralized list of current HCPs per patient, institution-specific needs such as a means of telling if these HCPs are on call, and domain-specific needs such as disease management with prescribing information are just some of the needs of physicians. For nurses, on the other hand, they have simpler information needs than the physicians. In patient-specific information, availability of patient diagnoses and laboratory results are needed. Institution-specific needs such as policies, protocols and census reports are also listed. Finally, domain-specific needs, specifically drug information, diagnoses definitions, and educational materials, are indicated. In addition, nurses tend to depend more on domain-specific information such as online textbook guidelines and decisions aids than do physicians. Despite these differences, the glaring similarity is that they both want to be able to communicate and share information with other HCPs (Coiera, 2000). A centr al list of current of current HCPs per patient demands the input from the HCPs themselves. Providing their concise qualifications and credentials, as well as their contact details, may help in the use of these data for knowing which HCPs to consult when certain medical conditions of a patient arises. However, these data should be processed such as they are well-organized, regularly updated, and easily accessible.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Health And Safety Hazards Risks Of Employees Health Essay

The Health And Safety Hazards Risks Of Employees Health Essay Occupational Health and Safety is a discipline with broad scope involving many specialized fields. In its broadest sense it aims at the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well being of workers in all occupations. More specifically, Occupational Health and Safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well being of workers, that is the whole person. With the alarming number of work-related sicknesses, diseases, injuries and accidents, the protection of workers against these has been found vital in the historical mandate of the International Labour Organisation (ILO guidelines 2001). The ILO celebrates world day for Health and Safety at Work on the 28th of April each year in the memory of workers who died at their workplace all over the world. One of ILOs goal is thus to boost opportunities for employees in order to obtain decent and productive work. Decent work means safe work- a positive factor which can boost up productivity and hence lead to economic growth. In this modern era, technological advancement and fierce competition bring prompt changes in the conditions of work, work processes and the organization. It can be noted that though legislation is crucial, it is insufficient to keep pace with current hazards and risks. This is why it has been found necessary to take into account the guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) which can indeed support this effort. With the introduction of the Occupational Safety, Health Welfare Act of 1988(OSHWA 1988) which came into force in May 1989, followed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2005(OSHA 2005) which was proclaimed on 1st September 2007 and replaced the OSHWA 1988, health and safety entered another dimension by binding the state. Health and safety started to gain more consideration in the agendas of the various stakeholders namely the Government, the employers, the employees and their trade unions, the non-governmental organisations as well as educational and training institutions. It is an undeniable fact that this has posed a need for creating health and safety awareness among the employees and employers and consequently leading to a continuous decrease in the number of work related accidents and illnesses among the Mauritian and foreign workers. In many organisations in Mauritius, there is a reactive approach to health and safety that is taking action to prevent the recurrence of an undesired event, comply with existing health and safety and other legislations. However, in other organisations such as the Pamplemousses/Riviere Du Rempart District Council (PRDC) health and safety is being dealt in a pro-active, effective and challenging way, that is, risks are being identified, assessed, and controlled before the first adverse event. Furthermore, health and safety is an integrated part of the management systems whereby at each level of management, health and safety is being looked with the same consideration as other organisational activities. 1.2 Problem Statement Lot of emphasis has been put on the attribution of adverse health consequences and lack of safety arising from work. While the number of workplace injuries, illnesses and death are increasing, there is considerable evidence that these reported rates are under-estimates of the actual numbers of injuries and accidents. Dembe (2005) outlines that workplace injuries and illnesses affect those injured or ill in terms of physical impairment, functional limitations, lost wages and hence limiting the workers ability to do their job conveniently. With regard to the nature of work, it has been found necessary to note that individuals are chronically exposed to adverse psychosocial working environments (Bosma et al, 1998; Hemingway and Marmot 1999; Belkic et al, 2004). Job position is a major concern especially when dealing with manual handling. More specifically, regular moving of components from stores or lorries or while lifting heavy loads, workers can suffer from back pain, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease and so on. For instance, the workers employed in the scavenging department at the PRDC are exposed to a series of hazards which can in turn lead to accidents if precautionary measures are not taken. It can be noted that though scavengers are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), they do not use them efficiently. But the fact remains that there is no proper hygiene and comfort as they have to practically linger in the wastes disposed at the back of the lorry. To some extent, lack of training and poor supervision might be the causes of the workers carelessness. Nevertheless, we cannot disregard the fact stated by Olsen and Lindee (2009) that the transfer of technology can increase the risks of new failures, misuse, accidents and unhealthy workplaces. 1.3 Aim and Objectives 1.3.1 Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the health and safety risks and hazards present at the PRDC refuse collection section and hence provide recommendations for improvement. 1.3.2 Objectives: The set objectives are: To identify risks and hazards present in the PRDC refuse collection section and assess the measures in place including policies and procedures. To assess the importance of safeguarding Health and Safety at the District Council. To determine the level of Health and Safety awareness. To evaluate the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in place at the PRDC. To propose recommendations to improve Health and Safety in the working environment at the PRDC. 1.4 Research Questions: Does the District Council have a proper set of policies and procedures? Are the employees aware of the Health and Safety Policy and procedures of the organization and the different arrangement in it? How much is management committed towards the Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees? Does the PRDC undertake Risk Assessments and keep proper records as well as monitoring of progress and action taken to eliminate risks and hazards? What are the benefits brought to the PRDC by the implementation of OHSMS and barriers encountered in its implementation? CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction to the chapter In modern society, the collection of waste is often taken for granted. People put waste out and expect that its gone within a day, without even realizing how it is collected. However, for those who collect waste, the reality of the situation is very often different. Waste is an obvious public health hazard and waste collection is a very hazardous task to undertake. There are a multitude of challenges that face Local Government worldwide in this new era; rapidly evolving technologies, managing staffs, forming partnerships by engaging new citizens, delivering services, lack of finance, dealing with health and safety issues at work and socio-economic demographics are some relevant examples. Aram (2009) strongly believes that developing countries are often exposed to exploitation since they lack safeguards and expertise that prevent harm to workers. He even elaborates on the fact that previous efforts to address workplace hazards in these countries have practically failed. East Cambridgeshire District Council faces mainly the issue of air pollution. Similarly, more urban districts in Cambridgeshire have encountered air quality problems resulting from massive motor vehicle emission. It is necessary to monitor the adverse health issues in this modern era arising in the course of work. Ongoing research efforts are required regarding the magnitude of health effects associated with working conditions (Smulders et al.1996; Lavis et al.2001). For instance, an employer may implement engineering controls with the aim of eliminating a safety hazard and thus increasing productivity without even considering the direct value of health benefits. Notwithstanding these studies, clear opportunities exist to improve health and safety of workers through the improvement in work environment. 2.1 Definition of technical terms: When we refer to hazards in relation to Occupational Safety and Health, the most commonly used definition is a hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons. Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if exposed to a hazard. An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is defined as a framework whereby all hazards are identified, health and safety risks are controlled and the potential occurrences for accidents are reduced in a particular organization by putting in place all the existing control measures and continually improving its performance. In other words, the content and scope of OHSMS is determined by the identification and hazards and implementation of corresponding measure or simply evaluating the measures already in place (Mearns K. and Flin R.). An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Program is a definite plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases/injuries. An Occupational Health and Safety Policy is a statement of principles and general rules that serve as guides for action. Safe work practice is a written instruction outlining the preferred method of performing a task/activity whilst emphasizing ways to minimize any risk(s) or hazard that makes a safe system of work(University of Wollongong, 2011). In developing countries, refuse collection is characterized by a dominance of manual handling tasks. According to National Occupational Research Agency, an estimate of 122, 000 workers are employed in waste collection (NORA, 2009). However, refuse collectors around the world are at risks for occupational illnesses and injuries (Kuijer et al., 2010). They have a higher risk of fatal occupational injuries than the general workforce (Dorevitch, 2001) and they account for about 80% of all reported injuries (HSE). Until recently, relatively little research has focused on the hazards in the waste industry, even though waste collection is a high-hazard job with a fatality rate 10 times that of all workers (Drudi, 1997). Collecting waste has long been recognized to be a dirty and physical work. However, it is among the most fatal occupations. The collection of solid waste has been found to be among the highest risk occupations in the United States (Englehardt et al., 2001). As refuse collection is done manually in Mauritius, the refuse collectors have direct contact with waste and are therefore exposed to infectious micro-organisms, toxic materials and other harmful substances. They are exposed to an extensive variety of health risks and hazards. Refuse collectors are working in a hard, unsafe and poor working condition with a lack of work protection equipment. However, the actual risk may be largely underreported since this population of workers has not been well studied. 2.2 Health and Safety hazards and risks among refuse collectors Health and safety problem is an inevitable characteristic of the scavenging department. By its nature and variety of activities, scavenging has a bundle of hazards and unsafe situation and therefore refuse collectors are very much exposed to accident, workplace injuries and diseases. Scavenging is a labour process involved in the initial collection and processing of recoverable materials (Loan 2002). In other words, scavengers collect materials that have been discarded as waste and add value to them by sorting, cleaning, and altering the physical shape to facilitate transport. Scavenging has some detrimental effects on the refuse collectors as they live in unhygienic conditions and the nature of their occupation exposes them to potentially pathogenic bio-aerosols that may lead to the spread of various diseases. Eye irritation, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, minor injuries from stepping on broken bottles or sharp objects in the refuse, backache from bending down most of the time and headaches arising from working in the sun are some examples. Offensive odours in waste disposal sites and the abundance of fleas, along with the lack of personal protective equipment, make working conditions even more unhygienic. Rag-pickers collect plastics, paper, cardboards, c ans, glass bottles, rubber materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metals from public places, streets, dump sites or landfills can be risky as they are exposed to various infectious agents (Ray et al, 2004) and toxic substances that may cause illness. At times, they may face social abuse from certain elements of society, which may lead to social problems and hence creation of greater possibility that they get engaged into the consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking. From a study carried out in Thailand, it can be noted that the physical health problems of scavengers undertaking routine work, are low back pain and sprains, common colds, and skin rashes. Other problems include headaches, fatigue and shortness of breath. Some scavengers do not use PPE and thus risk their health while some eat food found at the dump site which can pose a serious problem to their own well-being. Scavengers with low levels of education have more work-related accidents (Khalil and Milhem, 2004). All workplaces have hazards and risks. Hazards can cause harm, injury and can even lead to fatal accidents. Occupational Health and Safety is therefore a very essential part of every workplace as in most cases employees lives depend on it. Below are hazards that refuse collectors are exposed to: Chemical hazards Biological hazards Physical hazards Ergonomic hazards Psychosocial hazards 2.2.1 Chemical hazards Chemical hazards among refuse collectors arise from contamination with harmful chemicals like disinfectants, cleaning products and pesticides. It can be noted that these chemicals exist in form of solid, liquid and gas which can contaminate human body at the point of contact (NIOSH, 1985). Some of the common chemicals found at hazardous waste sites include asbestos, aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (NIOSH, 1985). These chemicals are associated with cardiovascular, dermal, gastrointestinal, neurologic and respiratory effects and cancer (NIOSH, 1985) There is enough evidence that dust also represents a potential hazard to refuse collectors on site. In 2002, Krajewski et al. conducted a study in Poland so as to assess occupational exposure among workers employed in the municipal waste collection and the results revealed that workers were exposed to highest dust concentration on sites of refuse collection. Refuse collectors are also exposed to vehicle exhaust fumes which may contribute to respiratory problems (Hansen et al., 1997). Furthermore, the engineering design of the refuse collection truck may cause several potential health hazards to the workers. We should note that the location of the exhaust pipes on most refuse collection trucks directs the fumes towards the work area and this can eventually result in over-exposure to carbon monoxide (Cimino, 1975). 2.2.2 Biological hazards In 2006, a survey was carried out by Lavoie et al., in Canada among refuse collectors and the results showed that they are highly exposed to airborne bacteria and fungi (bio-aerosols). Most of the time refuse collectors come across medical wastes which are often encountered in hospitals, health centres and medical laboratories. Wastes generated from health care activities, more specifically, discarded syringes, needles, cotton swabs and other types of infectious waste are often not segregated. As a result, they are disposed in normal bins. These wastes contain infectious materials that can cause diseases, if exposed to (Morton, 2010). A cross-sectional study was conducted by Rachiotis et al., 2012 among 208 Municipal Solid Waste Workers of a municipality in Central Greece in order to assess the prevalence of Hepatitis B (HBV), risk factors for infection and ways of virus transmission among them. The result demonstrated that occupational exposure to waste is a possible risk factor for HBV infection since prevalence of HBV infection was found to be 23%. Medical waste contains a huge variety of pathogenic microorganisms (Morton, 2010). Pathogens in infectious waste may enter the human body in several routes: By ingestion By inhalation Through the mucous membranes Through a puncture, abrasion or cut in the skin Contaminated sharps, mainly hypodermic needles are probably the waste items that represent the most acute potential health hazards. This may expose refuse collectors to communicable disease risks, including blood-borne viruses such as Hepatitis B and C and HIV (Morton, 2010). Moreover, sharps can cause cuts and punctures and as a result infect these wounds if they are contaminated with pathogens. Sharps are therefore regarded as a very hazardous waste class. 2.2.3 Physical hazards Slip, trip and fall risks Slip, trip and falls are common in almost all occupations, including refuse collection. The results from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) Program carried out by the U.S Bureau of Labour Statistics showed that fatal slips, trips and falls took the lives of 666 workers in 2011. The fact that scavenging task is carried out regardless of the weather conditions or slippery surface caused by rain, refuse collectors are often victim of slips and falls if enough attention is not paid to the surface on which they are walking. Uneven paths, manhole covers and drains are potential tripping hazards, especially if refuse collectors are in a haste to complete the task. In addition, hurrying can also lead to refuse collectors endangering their lives by falling while climbing onto the back of the lorry to accelerate the loading. Refuse collectors suffering from a slip, trip or fall at work can result in pain and lead to a long-term disability, depending on the severity of the injury. Noise Exposure to noise at work can be detrimental to workers health and it can even increase the risk of accidents (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2005). Scavenging task takes place during peak traffic hours most of the time, thus refuse collectors are exposed to noise. The workers usually work on roads with heavy traffic and in vicinity of noisy machinery. However, very often, the collection truck itself is the cause of noise problem. Annoyance due to road traffic noise created from beeping of horns by car drivers was found to be among the highest noise factors (Chowdhury et al., 2012) Animals and Insects Bite During waste collection, refuse workers often come across animals like dogs, cats, insects or stings which represent a potential danger to them. The refuse collectors are exposed mostly to dogs while collecting domestic wastes. Since dogs are very territorial, especially when stranger enters their property, this can result in violent personal attacks. Moreover, both insects and rodents represent an occupational and public health hazards. Contact with rodents therefore can result in bites and this can lead to redness and swelling in the injured area and can even cause an allergic reaction. Insects and rodents can thus transmit diseases to workers by bites or by indirect contact. Ergonomic Hazards Manual Handling The task of refuse collectors consists of extensive heavy lifting as well as other manual handling of containers and thus increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (Rushton, 2003). Manual handling has been defined by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦any transporting or supporting of a load, including the lifting, putting down, pushing, carrying or moving thereof by hand or bodily force. The Health and Safety Executive(HSE) records show that more than a third of all accidents reported are injuries occurred from work and thus workers being absent for more than 3 days are related to manual handling at workplace. It can cause injury in the short term through accidents and in the longer term damage from bad handling techniques. Manual handling includes any activity: Involving forceful and repetitive movements. Where the person always maintain constrained and awkward postures. Examples of Manual Handling Activities include: *Figure 1: Manual Handling Activities *Source: The common types of manual handling injuries are as follows: Arm, shoulder and wrist injuries. Back injuries caused by unstable and heavy loads. Chronic pain. Hernias and strain injuries. Injuries caused by prolonged repetition of work (for example, a refuse collector continually collecting refuse). The above mentioned can affect an individuals quality of life and also his ability to work. The cost of ill-health will therefore depend on the nature and extent of disease and illness that is prevalent. Preventing Manual Handling Injuries OSHA requires all employers who have a legal responsibility against employees to provide them with a safe and healthy workplace. The National Standard for Manual Handling requires that all tasks involving Manual Handling at a particular workplace should be identified and risks and likelihood of injuries should be assessed accordingly. Appropriate control measures should be introduced where there is a risk of injury. Provision of adequate and sufficient training in the safe techniques and methods of manual handling and lifting. Musculoskeletal Disorders Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent one of the principal causes of occupational injury, illness and disability within many countries and various occupations (Mehrdad et al., 2008) MSDs are one of the most frequent work-related injuries among refuse collectors due to the heavy lifting, pushing, pulling and carrying activities involved in their daily duty of refuse collection (Ijzelenberg et al., 2004; Keyserling, 2000 Hoozemans et al., 2004) A survey conducted in 2008 by Mehrdad et al. among a group of municipal solid waste collectors in Tehran revealed that the symptoms of MSDs experienced by the workers were; low back (45%), knees (29%), shoulders (24%), upper back (23%) and neck (22%). Moreover, studies reveal that MSDs among refuse collectors are higher than most of the other workforces. Abou El Wafa et al., carried out a cross-sectional study in 2012 among 120 refuse collectors at the Western Municipality of Mansoura City, Egypt with a comparison group of 110 male service workers at the University in order to assess the percentage of musculoskeletal complaints and their possible risk factors among the refuse collectors. The result showed that musculoskeletal complaints were higher among the refuse collectors (60.8%) than the comparison group (43.6%). Lifting load Refuse collectors and store workers are often engaged in carrying and handling loads without proper lifting techniques which eventually causes stress on the back and musculoskeletal system. Repetitive actions worsen the situations. Some examples of handling loads would be: lifting, pulling, carrying, dragging and holding. Handling load is classified as heavy work which involves dynamic and static work. In a study carried out by Olaogun et al (2002), their findings concluded that workers who are often engaged in lifting heavy objects were mostly afflicted by Low Back Pain. It was also reported that between 80% and 90% of all back pain is caused by faulty postural habits. The knowledge of how to prevent back pain was generally poor among the respondents. Costs of Back Injuries The most common injury is to the back and it can be very painful. If, a workers job involves heavy manual labour then back injuries can certainly damage his job prospects. In Mauritius back pain is among one of the major occupational disease. For instance, all cases of occupational and work related diseases diagnosed in hospital (Ministry of Health 2009) shows the result being 37% and 39% in 2007 and 2008 respectively. It should be noted that measures taken to lessen or eliminate the problem of back pain can bring a lot of benefits to an organization (Managing sickness absences and returns to work 2005). Such measures are: Better workplace relations. Improved business performances. Safe and healthy workplaces. Retention of valued staffs. Reduced compensation and rehabilitation costs. Psychosocial Hazards Violence at work HSE defines work related violence as any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. The most common causes of violence at work are personal conflicts, frustration due to workload and poor working conditions and environment. However, violence at work can lead to other problems such as minor injury, major injury and even fatal injury. Violence to refuse collectors can cause pain, distress, disability or even death. Nevertheless, serious or persistent verbal abuse can be a significant problem as it can pose serious complication to refuse collectors health through anxiety and stress. Stress Stress at work is the reaction of workers when work load and pressures become beyond their normal capability and becomes difficult for them to deal with (Semmer, 2007). Most of the employees encounter stress to a certain degree in their daily work environment. Work related stress causes a negative impact on employees leading to poor physical and mental health state. According to the statistics of Health and Safety Executive (2005), over 500, 000 workers in United Kingdom advocated that their illness were due to stress at work and 15% of all the working population confirmed that their work was enormously stressful. However, it is widely acknowledged that work related stress is linked to elevate sickness absence, higher labour turnover and early retirement (Kerr et al., 2009) 2.2.6 Road Accidents Refuse collectors have to collect wastes from both sides of a street. Their task involves climbing on and alighting from trucks, carrying trash containers and so on. Sometimes garbage causes obstruction which prevent their ability to see approaching vehicles and thus result in accident (Drudi, 1997). According to the National Solid Waste Management Association, in 2008 there were 31 refuse collectors killed on the job in Florida. The statistics from the HSE between 2001 and 2006 shows that 513 refuse collectors suffered over 3 days workplace transport injuries. This implies that their injuries from the accident were serious enough for they were given three days sick leave. 2.3 Occupational Disease According to the Protocol of 2002 of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), the term Occupational disease refers to any disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity. Occupational diseases are the icebergs that challenge occupational health and safety experts. The number of cases of occupational disease reported for statistical surveys is just the tip of the iceberg. It should be noted that refuse collectors experience a variety of adverse health effect. The situation of refuse collectors in different developing countries is comparable as they are exposed to all risks than their counterparts in developed countries. A survey carried out in Bethlehem and Hebron Districts, among 209 refuse collectors revealed that they faced work related disease such as sore throat, diarrhea, shortness of breath and skin disease (Milhem, 2004). Based on Health Studies of refuse collectors carried out in India, tuberculosis, bronchitis, a sthma and pneumonia are the most frequently experienced diseases among waste pickers (Huisman, 1994). 2.4 Occupational Injury Occupational injury is defined as sudden, anticipated, and undesirable events during work, leading to harm or damage to at least one part of the body (Poulson et al., 1995). The job of waste collection is associated with a high risk of occupational injury and most often injuries among waste collectors was the back, followed by the knees, hands, and feet (Ivens et al., 1998). A study by Bourdouxhe et al. (1993) reported an even higher rate of injury among waste collectors: 74% of the waste collectors in municipality companies and 57% in private enterprise. 2.5 Housekeeping One essential component of good working conditions is good housekeeping. It helps to the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. Good housekeeping also includes everyday cleanliness, tidiness and good order in all parts of the workplace and is important when it comes to good safety practice. The fact that housekeeping is a maintenance task; therefore it cannot be achieved without the participation of everyone in the workplace. Hazards associated with poor housekeeping: Slips, trips and falls Objects fall from above causing injury to workers Striking against unwanted sharp edges of objects causing injury Crushing injuries In America, around 300,000 disabling injuries occur every year resulting in death of 1400 workers. 15-20% of workers compensation claims are owing to slips, trips and falls at workplace. The United States Bureau of Labour Statistics (2012) declared 303,800 fall injuries at place of work in 2000. 15% of death is caused by slips, trips and falls at workplace. 2.6 Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is intended to protect individuals from the risks and injury creating a barrier against workplace hazards. PPE is not a substitute for good engineering controls, administrative controls or good working practices. Instead, it is used in conjunction with these controls to ensure the safety and health of workers. PPE should be used when it has been determined as its use will lessen the likelihood of occupational injury and/or illnesses when other protection methods are not available. PPE should always be worn when working with hazards. PPE that refuse collectors should normally wear: Hand protection (gloves) Respiratory masks Overall Safety boots Safety helmets The bureau of Labour Statistics of America (2012) revealed that 333, 272 eyes injuries were reported as occupational in the year 1985. Another study in connection to disabling injuries showed that there were 32, 000 hand and finger injuries, 70, 000 eye injuries, 70,000 head and face injuries and 110, 000 food and toe injuries in 1987. These figures represent 31.7% of the estimated 1, 800, 000 total disabling work injuries for the year 1987. These reports which were examined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administrator department in America show that in only those cases where a worker was injured were: Personal Protective Equipment was not being worn the vast majority of time. Some types of the protective equipment worn by the worker did not protect him fully. The importance of preventive measures According to research conducted on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders as part of the Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder Consortium with the National Institute of Occupationa

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Aprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Quote Analysis :: essays research papers

"A man without land is nothing." Though the passage I have selected is short, I believe it is the most obvious indication to the main theme of the book, as well as a common goal for not only Duddy Kravitz, but countless others, fictitious and not. I could have chosen a longer quotation from the book, but I felt that this phrase clearly communicates to the reader that the "American Dream" has been a preoccupation with Duddy since he was very young. Duddy's grandfather acted as a prominent father figure to him during his early childhood, when his father could not always be there for him, and as a result of always having him around while Duddy was so young and impressionable, he had a lot of influence on Duddy's developing mind. Coming from someone in such a position at that point in Duddy's life, a statement like "a man without land is nothing", has a particularly strong effect. The words themselves are very blunt and closed to interpretation. He wasn't simply telling him it would be nice to own property, his grandfather was telling him he will never have amounted to anything in his eyes, unless he owns land. A message that strong coming from a figure with so much influence on a boy like Duddy can have a very monumental impression. It is clear that Duddy did, in fact, take these words to heart, as he is constantly involved in get-rich-quick schemes, starting when he is still in school. This preoccupation would eventually be Duddy's downfall. Though The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz was written years ago, the idea of materialism, and measuring one's success by their possessions is also a prominent theme in pop culture in the West. Luxurious and excessive lifestyles are in, perpetuated by "blinged out" rap artists and rock stars who own multiple houses, and drive unnecessarily large and expensive sport utility vehicles and sports cars. Pop music has evolved throughout the 20th Century, and has now gotten to a point where it's not just music, but an industry. Singers are actors and vice versa. To make it big in the music industry you not only have to have talent, but a strong business sense, and your own clothing line, of course. The Aprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Quote Analysis :: essays research papers "A man without land is nothing." Though the passage I have selected is short, I believe it is the most obvious indication to the main theme of the book, as well as a common goal for not only Duddy Kravitz, but countless others, fictitious and not. I could have chosen a longer quotation from the book, but I felt that this phrase clearly communicates to the reader that the "American Dream" has been a preoccupation with Duddy since he was very young. Duddy's grandfather acted as a prominent father figure to him during his early childhood, when his father could not always be there for him, and as a result of always having him around while Duddy was so young and impressionable, he had a lot of influence on Duddy's developing mind. Coming from someone in such a position at that point in Duddy's life, a statement like "a man without land is nothing", has a particularly strong effect. The words themselves are very blunt and closed to interpretation. He wasn't simply telling him it would be nice to own property, his grandfather was telling him he will never have amounted to anything in his eyes, unless he owns land. A message that strong coming from a figure with so much influence on a boy like Duddy can have a very monumental impression. It is clear that Duddy did, in fact, take these words to heart, as he is constantly involved in get-rich-quick schemes, starting when he is still in school. This preoccupation would eventually be Duddy's downfall. Though The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz was written years ago, the idea of materialism, and measuring one's success by their possessions is also a prominent theme in pop culture in the West. Luxurious and excessive lifestyles are in, perpetuated by "blinged out" rap artists and rock stars who own multiple houses, and drive unnecessarily large and expensive sport utility vehicles and sports cars. Pop music has evolved throughout the 20th Century, and has now gotten to a point where it's not just music, but an industry. Singers are actors and vice versa. To make it big in the music industry you not only have to have talent, but a strong business sense, and your own clothing line, of course.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to Respect Your Parents

How to respect your parents? There are many days set aside in non-Islamic societies to honour and appreciate special people; examples of these are Father's Day, Mother's Day, Memorial Day and Labour Day. In Islam, however, respecting, honouring and appreciating parents is not just for a single day of the year, but rather for each and every day. Parents in the Quran: A Muslim child should respect and appreciate his or her parents on a daily basis. Allaah mentions that human beings must recognise their parents and that this is second only to the recognition of Allaah Himself.Throughout the Quran, we notice that parents are mentioned with appreciation and respect. In the Quran, there is a very beautiful description of how parents are to be treated; Allaah Says (what means):  Ã¢â‚¬Å"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] ‘uff' [i. e. , an ex pression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: ‘My Lord!Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small. ‘†Ã‚  [Quran 17:23-24] The recognition and respect of parents is mentioned in the Quran eleven times; in every instance, Allaah reminds children to recognise and to appreciate the love and care that they have received from their parents. One such example is when Allaah says what means:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  [Quran 29:8 & 46:15] 3. In Chapter Al-An'aam, Allaah reemphasises that people should be kind to their parents; He says what means:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Say: ‘Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment†¦ ‘†Ã‚  [Quran 6:151] Mother First Among parents, it is usually the mother who makes the most sacrifice and endures the most hardship in the care of her children. She gives birth and looks after them. Islam recognizes this fact, offering more honor to the mother as a parent. Muhammad once said, â€Å"Paradise is placed at the mothers' feet,† so high is their status and regard. The Qur'an reminds people of the sacrifices and hardships that mothers face on behalf of their children. â€Å"And e enjoined upon mankind concerning parents: his mother carried him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is two years. Therefore show gratitude to Allah and to your parents† (Qur'an 31:14). On another occasion, some people asked the Prophet Muhammad, â€Å"To whom should we show kindness first? † He answered, â€Å"Your mother. † Then he was asked again, â€Å"And after that, then whom? † Muhammad again replied, â€Å"Your mother. † He was asked yet again, and he gave the same reply again: â€Å"Your mother. † Only af ter that, when he was asked one more time, did he answer, â€Å"Then, your father. Duties to Parents Our life would not be possible without the sacrifice and hard work of our parents, who cared for us and met all our needs when we were young. The Qur'an addresses this point in one touching verse: â€Å"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. If one or both of them attain old age during your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor repel them. But address them in terms of honour, and lower to them the wing of humility, out of mercy, and say, ‘My Lord!Bestow on them Your Mercy, as they did bring me up when I was young’† (Qur'an 17:23–24). Muslims are advised to treat their parents gently and respectfully. They should always strive to please them and never become impatient or rude with them. Muslims consider it an honour and a blessing to be able to care for their parents in old age. After all, it's th e least we can do to repay them for all of their hard work and sacrifice. Nursing homes and hospice care are new phenomena in the Muslim world, and they are not widely accepted.Elderly and ill family members almost always remain in the homes of children or relatives, cared for and respected until death. Muhammad encouraged his followers to treat their parents well and to be mindful of their needs. Once, a young man came to him and wanted to join the Muslim army on the battlefield to defend the community from attack. Muhammad asked him if his parents were living. When the young man said they were, he told him: â€Å"Then go back to your parents, serve them, and deal with them kindly.This is as good as fighting for God's sake. † Muslims consider their parents' opinions about important matters, such as choosing a career path, spouse, or place to live. As a Muslim gets older, any income she earns is partially used to support her parents and meet their needs. A Muslim prays that a fter their deaths, God will forgive her parents and show mercy toward them. Also, you should always listen and obey to the commands that your parents have told you to do. Always take care of them afterall to have them is a big gift.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Differences between American and British sitcoms Essay Example

Differences between American and British sitcoms Essay Example Differences between American and British sitcoms Essay Differences between American and British sitcoms Essay A sitcom is a short comedy situated in 1 or 2 recognizable areas. The word sitcom originates from situation comedy. They are typically found on TV with a recurring format. The major conventions associated with sitcoms are: Frequent characters of an identifiable style or stereotype. The use of one or two settings that we the audience can be acquainted with, plus Episodes that are quite short lasting around 30 minutes with a main comic situation and a few sub plots. British sitcoms are typically shown on one of the five main terrestrial television channels. On the contrary a few are shown on BBC 3 and BBC 4, the main reason for this is to test out new sitcoms in order to get feedback from the audience on whether they like them or not. Individual sitcoms are only screened on one channel. The regular characters generate the comedy in unusual conditions or embarrassing coincidences, corresponding their specific character with relationships or circumstances. This usually leads to the characters getting themselves into an imperfect situation normally resolved by the end of the episode. Each character is often stereotyped with unusual goals or catch phrases that continue throughout the sitcom. Differences between American and British sitcoms From analysing American and British sitcoms I have noticed many differences between the pair. American sitcoms are usually set in high class, luxurious looking houses or apartments. They are crammed with attractive looking people and sets. Friends is a typical American sitcom, because the characters are glamorous, pleasant people who are eye-catching and quite exaggerated. The setting is unrealistic, as it is much too high priced for their level of socio economic status. By contrast British sitcoms focus on more realistic plots yet deal with issues which have more impact on the audience. Only fools and horses is a traditional British sitcom, because it uses typical working class characters that are sometimes not over dramatised, they are just normal people. The comedy is acted in an ideal setting which is a high rise council flat in Peckham. The setting is lifelike as the Trotters house reflects their social and financial position. Modern British sitcoms like the Office and Phoenix nights are more radical, they deal with controversial issues and taboo subjects that are not touched on in real life amongst comedy. For example redundancy, death or under aged pregnancy; they are sensitive and shouldnt really be joked about. Nonetheless sitcoms use them to get the highest value of comedy, in attempt to intrigue and sometimes astonish the audience. A brand new sitcom also uses this method to generate humour named little Britain. It was first experimented with on BBC 3 and can now be found on BBC 2, sketches would easily be seen as offensive in real life as they include subjects, such as racism and discrimination towards peoples weight. Practical Task Creating your own British sitcom. Synopsis for Whistle while you work. Whistle while you work is based around four main characters, three males named Daz, Bob and Dave and one female called Barbarella. The main setting is a local public house; however small selections of the screenings are set on a football field. Daz the young, outgoing sports enthusiast, Bob the eccentric nerd and Dave the noble entrepreneur all have one task and that is to impress the stunning barmaid Barbarella. Barbarella is vivacious, and is very supportive towards all three gentlemen; nevertheless a relationship with any of the men is not on her agenda. The comedy is generated from the fiasco caused by the three men, when attempting to impress Barbarella. Bobs irrelevant comments, and unsystematic outbursts contribute to the comedy. Also the over competitive dispute between the three men convey pleasure to the audience. Evaluation In my practical task I set out to achieve an incomparable idea for a potentially admired sitcom. It is about an attractive barmaid and 3 men that are central around a pub. They set out to impress the barmaid. It will appeal to people in the 20-30 age bracket and even some teenagers. My sitcom matches the rules and conventions of British sitcoms for the reason that it has four stereotypical, persistent characters that are situated in two acknowledgeable settings. Daz, Bob, Dave and Barbarella are normally shown in the pub or at a football match. In addition the episodes last for 30 minutes, along with the main comic situation being the three males determination to impress Barbarella. It is shown on one of the 5 terrestrial channels which is BBC 2. All of the characters are established and have a catchphrase. Their clothes and status match their job and limits. Therefore none of the characters are over exaggerated, or spend more than they earn. My sitcom appeals to the target audience, first of all it is set in a pub and most people in the 20-30 age range go out to enjoy them selves and spend time in pubs. It is also set on a football field and as a huge amount of the population adore football the sitcom will automatically become appealing. The characters will be engaging to my target audience since they are young attractive people that are outgoing and have a lot to express. They are funny and may be idolised by the public. At the same time you can associate them with normal everyday people. My sitcom will be shown on Channel 2 on Sunday evenings. It will start at around 9 0clock and last 30 minutes. I have chosen to show my sitcom at this time because there arent any sitcoms shown on Sundays at 9 oclock, therefore fans of sitcoms will watch it. Consequently it will be viewed extensively, because there are no similar programs shown to compete with it. These are the actors I have in mind to play the main characters roles in my sitcom. I think Zoe Lucker should play the barmaid Barbarella due to the fact that she is pretty, she has blond hair and her cunning acting skills will make Barbarella irresistible to the male charm. The public will recognise her from footballers wives. I think Jason from Coronation street should play Daz the trendy sports fanatic, because he looks like he is quite a fit person and he will be able act Dazs roll of slick talking and smooth moving. I have Matt Lucas in mind to play Bob the nerd, as his ability to take on lots of different roles in Little Britain shows you that he would do a great job of adapting this character and keep the audience amused throughout. I would like Will Smith to play Dave as his witty acting talent and look of ultimate importance will perceive Daves as being the intellectual entrepreneur he really is.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Influences of Immigrant Cultures on American Cuisine Essay Example

The Influences of Immigrant Cultures on American Cuisine Essay Example The Influences of Immigrant Cultures on American Cuisine Essay The Influences of Immigrant Cultures on American Cuisine Essay p. 9. Collins, G. (1997, January 9). With Mexican Food Tamed, Big Business Looks Abroad. New York Times. Retrieved from http://nytimes. com Garson, M. (2009, November 3). Tribal Elder, Dinee Navajo Nation. (T. J. Smith, Interviewer) Kolpas, N. (1982). The Gourmets Lexicon, 165. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons. Simone, J. (2009, May 27). As American as General Tsos Chicken. Campus Progress. Retrieved from htp://www. campusprogress. org Zender, J. (2009, November 12). Executive Chef. (T. J. Smith, Interviewer)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Barack Obama Speech in Cairo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barack Obama Speech in Cairo - Essay Example In a maiden speech delivered in Cairo University on 6 April 2009, he addressed violent extremism, Israel and Palestine war, nuclear weapons, democracy, women's rights and economic development.  He asserted that the West and Islam should start confronting these issues. This paper will only focus on the issue of violent extremism in America. It will explain why the issue is meaningful to me and analyze the assertions Obama made about the issue and the evidence he gives to support those assertions. I believe that the issue of violent extremism is very significant in this context. America is seemingly the most democratic country in the world subject to its race and religion diversity. Prior to this speech, tension between the United States and Muslims around the world had been rising for years. Islam and the West had relationships marred by cooperation as well as conflicts. While the West fostered modernization and globalization, the Muslim nations view the West acts as demeaning to th e Islam traditions. As a result, Muslims execute violence against the Americans killing Muslims, Christians, and innocent people though America. In addition, America in its right to freedom of worship encompasses both Muslims and Christians. In fact, Obama himself confesses the Muslim faith though his mother was a Christian and his father a Muslim. Indeed, this seems to be a war between America and the Muslim. Obama being the president of America, having confessed Muslim, and Egypt being a Muslim nation he is in a contradicting position to address this issue. Hence, this issue is domineering over the others. Obama asserts that America has never been, is not, and will never be at war with Islam. He confirms that just like any other nation and faith, America only rejects the killing of innocent men, women, and children. He argues that even Muslims cannot condone such killings as the Quran forbids them. He also recognizes the words of the second President of the United States, John Ada ms who proclaimed that, America has no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility of Muslims (USA Today Web). However, he observes that it is his and other willing partner’s duty to confront violent extremists for the sake of American and world security. He also asserts that American has demonstrated its goals and quest for unity in fighting the violent extremists in Afghanistan. To this assertion, he reminds the audience that the United States had international support in pursuing al Qaeda and the Taliban. In fact, a coalition of 46 countries was in the pursuit (USA Today Web). Additionally, he asserts that America was justified to venture in that pursuit. He narrates that Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 innocent people from all nations on the September 11 attack with a vow to continue launching more killings. Indeed, these attacks have made some Americans to view Islam as an inevitably hostile way of life to all. As such, he argues that it was only fair for America, with the support of the international community, to pursue them with an aim of bringing justice to the victims and prevent more attacks. He however asserts that America will not keep its troops in Afghanistan for a long time. He confers that the pursuit has been costly, caused many casualties, and is politically difficult to manage.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Site visit Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Site visit - Coursework Example The National Water Company provides those services and it is important for them to be efficient in providing the services. In order for the efficiency and effectiveness of the company to be realized, the company has an information technology department. The department has the responsibility to provide network facilities, train other employees on the use of new technology and installation of new technology in the organization. IS department of National Water Company is the company’s Information Technology service provider for the company’s department’s, and division. The Information services include network installation, equipment, procurement, systems, and maintenance and operation. I visited National Water Company on 10th April 2014for 6 hours. The report evaluates the company’s computer department facilities, services, and their daily services. The paper also specifies the problems the company faces with their system. The paper has also suggested the solution based on IS study. Therefore, the paper discusses the type of infrastructure, IT security measurements, IT services, IT budget, and IT policies for National Water Company. This report has been prepared with all reasonable skill, care and diligence and summarizes the findings from the 6 hours site visit. All values quoted in this Report are based on information provided by the Client. All values quoted are estimates and may require additional detailed investigation to confirm their validity. The Saudi Arabia government has prioritized the water sector. This is attributed to the importance of the sector in the country. National Water Company abbreviated as NWC, is a Saudi Arabia Joint Stock Company that is fully owned by the Public Investment Fund. The company was established to offer wastewater and water services according to the latest international regulations by the national cadres concerned efforts in liaison with international operators via foreign

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Civilizing savages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civilizing savages - Essay Example Like all the groups that will be discussed, the British behaved in culturally and an ethnically superior way to all native inhabitants; viewing them only as a source of trade and/or an obstacle in acquiring more land. Of all the colonizers, the French perhaps treated the Natives with more of a modicum of respect than did the Spanish or the British. This is not to say that they viewed them as their equals; they most certainly did not; however, the subjugation of the native population and forced removal of their lands was at least not a primary policy as it relates to the French. This determination can be seen by the money, time, effort, and lives expended by way of the Jesuit missionaries working to convert those tribes under French influence in and around Montreal and Quebec. As it relates to the Spanish, there existed a desire to convert the â€Å"saves† under their influence to Catholicism; however, it appears as if the first instinct was to utterly crush and decimate the po pulation before such efforts were attempting. To this end, entire civilizations were rendered defenseless as large numbers of the male population were massacred/maimed and others forced into bondage. Conversely, the final group that will be discussed is that of the Pennsylvania settlers. Although they were far from perfect, this multi-ethnic group composed of Dutch, Irish, English, Scotch, and French settlers established a settlement that no doubt took first prize with regards to its overall treatment of the native population.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Future of Montserrat Essay Example for Free

Future of Montserrat Essay The island of Montserrat is situated upon an underwater volcano created by a destructive plate boundary, with the volcanos peak protruding from the south side of the island by the name of Chances Peak in an area entitled Soufriere Hills (in the Caribbean). For 350 years the volcano had remained dormant; however a few weeks ago, Chances Peak became active again and began to emit dust and ash – warning signs that an eruption was almost imminent. On July 20th 1995 (yesterday) the anticipated eruption occurred, producing numerous quandaries for the surviving residents of Montserrat. Montserratians will experience the social impacts of the eruption; these may be the most direct of all the predicaments they encounter and therefore the most challenging to face. Since the volcanos on the island are perceived as unpredictable, the inhabitants are fearful of another eruption. Though they are presently being transferred to a temporary safe region, it is unknown whether a subsequent eruption would be more severe than the first and raise the figures for the injured or killed (19) unnecessarily. Hence the many who have left the island to reside (maybe permanently) in neighbouring islands, the UK or the USA, however this only applies to the populace that possess sufficient funds to do so. The safe regions are reportedly extremely crowded; consequently, with the low sanitation levels, the spread of disease will accelerate. Also, farmers are unable to farm due to constricted land and the devastating environmental impacts of the volcano. If the more wealthy (we can assume the more educated) no longer choose to reside in the island, a ‘brain drain’ will transpire, leaving farmers and communities with small businesses that rely on tourism on Montserrat, though if eruptions cease and the volcano becomes dormant again, life for the farmers could improve as over time the soil of the area would be very fertile. As a result of the ‘brain drain’ there would be an absence of teachers; therefore the children on Montserrat would not be able to learn for a period of time. Moreover, a deficiency of doctors and hospital personnel would leave many people in need of medical help unattended to. Furthermore, persons already residing in the north of the island would have to compromise with the new displaced people; this may cause some feuds over pace etc†¦ The GDP and GNP of Montserrat are predicted to face dramatic cutbacks due simply to the loss of people on the island, and the lack of income from farmers who do not have access to land they can farm on, or businesses that have been destroyed – which is common as many companies were positioned in Plymouth – a city that was completely covered by ash and soon after finished off by deadly pyroclastic flows. If the GDP and GNP do fall, citizens who have decided to stay will be significantly poorer, and therefore may not be able to pay taxes. In addition, a vast sum would have to be paid in damages to property and the building of temporary displaced peoples camps. Due to ash clouds, airports would be closed down, and airlines would have to pay massive amounts in lost revenues. Conversely, industries for other forms of transport (such as shipping companies) would benefit, as passengers search for alternatives to flying. The frequency of imports and exports would not decrease massively as a mere 1% of trade in the UK occurs on flights. Also, (elaborating on the point of aid given by other countries above) since the Montserrat was included in the Federal Colony of British Leeward Islands, the UK may offer some financial support to help improve the islands economy if the damage to it is serious enough. Additionally, the volcano has had colossal impacts on the environment (both positive and negative). Firstly, the ash has suffocated many of the flora and fauna, furthermore, the pyroclastic flow and lahars have killed all life (excluding human) within a 2km radius. Carbon dioxide emitted from the volcano is predicted by scientists to contribute to the greenhouse effect, sulphur dioxide expected to cause environmental issues as sulphur in the stratosphere is the main cause of acid rain. Nonetheless, as a result of two thirds of the islands population predicted to leave the island) the flora and fauna may flourish as there will be less human activity and settlements, leaving nature to itself without interference from machines, factories, and other forms of pollution. The land and soil affected by the volcano will also become fertile, which will, in turn, enhance the growth of plants and trees after an amount of time, and allow them to regrow. The slopes of Chances peak after the eruption are reportedly steeper than before, which will promote growth of delicate, and rare plants can grow with the protection of the slope. The volcano is also expected to alter the weather around Montserrat, causing rain, thunder and lighting. Sea temperatures have reportedly risen, killing some species that rely on specific living conditions, also silting in rivers or lakes has forced boats to stop navigating them as the depth is insufficient. On political terms, and elaborating on the point made above concerning tax and its correspondence with the lack of people on the island, the amount of tax received by the government would decrease too, resulting in a government prone to corruption. Moreover, the government may not be considered fit to run the country by its people, and may be voted out. The government of Montserrat may be forced to relinquish their independency, and amalgamate with another country to become part of their nation (a plausible example would be Montserrat re-joining Britain). On the topic of short term needs, a few that exist are food and drink, and temporary residency areas. Since the eruption would have most likely demolished many of the populace’s properties, and belongings, they will need an alternative place to stay such as the safe zone which has been arranged in the north of the island and is one third of the islands size, compressing hundreds into a tiny space. The government would also be burdened with the task of providing sufficient food and drink for the residents as they would have no means of income, or a market area to buy their own. Medical aid has also become necessary, however not as much as expected as (thankfully) most who occupied the most affected areas had been evacuated before the eruption. Long term necessities will help sustain lives devoid of poverty and hunger for the people of Montserrat. An example of a need which will help the populace in the ‘long run’ is loans to restart businesses and companies citizens had lost in the pyroclastic flows or ash. Furthermore, the government or a country aiding Montserrat could assist by building an early detection system or research facility, to identify when future eruptions may occur, therefore allowing time to prepare. MEDC’s like the USA or the UK might be reviewing plans to assist through the means of creating rehabilitation programmes, or even allowing the people of Montserrat to apply for permanent residency; this would solve the problem or relocating people to live their lives in a safe location.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Great Gatsbys Report :: essays research papers

CHAPTER 1: Nick Carraway, a young man from Minnesota who recently moved to New York to learn about the bond business, opens his story by describing himself. He is tolerant, slow to judge, and a good listener. As a result, people tend to share their secrets with him, including someone named Gatsby. Gatsby, Nick says, had a beautiful dream, but the people surrounding him ruined that dream. Nick is so disgusted with these people and their New York lifestyle that he has left New York and returned to Minnesota. In the summer of 1922, however, Nick had just arrived in New York and rented a house on a part of Long Island called West Egg. Unlike the conservative, aristocratic East Egg, West Egg is home to the "new rich," those who, having made their fortunes recently, have neither the social connections nor the refinement to move among the East Egg set. West Egg is characterized by lavish displays of wealth and garish poor taste. Nick's West Egg house is next to Gatsby's mansion, a sprawling Gothic monstrosity. Nick is unlike his West Egg neighbors--he graduated from Yale and has social connections on East Egg. One night, he drives out to East Egg to have dinner with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan, a former member of Nick's social club at Yale. Tom, a powerful figure dressed in riding clothes, meets Nick on the porch. Inside, Daisy lounges on a couch with her friend Jordan Baker, a competitive golfer who yawns as though bored by her surroundings. Tom tries to interest the others in a racist book called The Rise of the Colored Empires, by a man named Goddard. Daisy teases Tom about the book, but is interrupted when Tom leaves the room to take a phone call. Daisy follows him, and Jordan tells Nick that the call is from Tom's lover in New York. After an awkward dinner, the party breaks up; Jordan wants to go to bed because she has a golf tournament the next day. As Nick leaves, Tom and Daisy hint that they would like him to take a romantic interest in Jordan. When Nick arrives home, he sees Gatsby for the first time, standing on the lawn with his arms reaching out toward the dark water. Nick looks out at the water, but all he can see is a distant green light that might mark the end of a dock.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Colombus Day

Justice, pride, and arrogance lie and when they are crossed; however, humane treatment and respect – whether that be self- respect or respect for others – Is black and white. Columbus day Is a holiday In which Americans celebrate a man who Is not even an American, but better yet the Spanish- acclaimed Viceroy and Governor of the Indies and Admiral of the Seas who overpowered and subjected a whole land of natives to succumb to his rule, follow his logon and traditions, and be brutally beat while being forced Into slavery.Although his ability to assume power and Instill fear Into these people so quickly may be admirable, he Is not a figure that deserves the respect of Christian Americans, or let alone any Americans: and only deserves to be â€Å"honored† In a day of mourning. To begin with, Christopher Columbus sailed into this land and was greeted with kindness and peace by the natives, in which he returned with the order of the kidnapping of six natives to be his servants. Columbus simply saw these indigenous people as an obstacle in his pursuit of riches and glory, and treated them as such.The natives did have their practices of violence and brutality in which other humans were sacrificed to their native Gods or means of punishment were rather severe, but this did not beckon or welcome the brutality inculcated by Christopher Columbus and the rest of his team. Even more interestingly, Columbus' writings back to Spain made himself sound very respectful and appreciative of the Indians; however, after rather inspection, Columbus' malice shows through even what appears to be kindness and gratuity.In his log kept about the New World, he writes that these indigenous people are of the kindest, best people, and that he told his men to take nothing from them without giving them something in return. This, at first glance, seems like an exhibit of kindness, yet the Spaniards never gave back anything of equal value to the Indians. Columbus discusses ho w he would receive very gracious, generous gifts from the indigenous people -knowing and acknowledging that they ere very poor people-, and return it with a gift of no more value than that of a penny.In continuation, it is highly hypocritical that Christopher Columbus had viewed their practices of religion as malicious and Inappropriate for a civilization, then forced Christianity upon them with Inhumanity and savagery. This Is baffling because the Spaniards are going Into this foreign world Introducing a concept of a loving and benevolent God as they simultaneously kill these people and cut off their feet all for the glory of this mysterious supposedly-awesome God.As Christians, they are commanded by God to love others as you love yourself and to reflect a level of Jesus' kindness when they Instead they reflected the greed, hatred, and self- righteousness of the devil. So, not only were his actions directly affecting these natives lives, but also the appearance of Charlatanry as a whole. Columbus' take on Christianity and God actually intensifies the inhumanity and violence caused against as an excuse to execute all heathens; indigenous people.However, in reality, he was imply slaughtering thousands of innocent people who did nothing wrong except for having contrasting opinions with that of the intruding Spaniards. In conclusion, from the day that Columbus arrived to the New World, he treated the people with nothing but dignity and self-pride. Although he did â€Å"discover† the land that would later become America, he is only responsible for the deaths, severe mistreatment, and forced enslavement of multiple indigenous people. Columbus Day should be recognized as a day of mourning for the unwarranted brutality suffered by unexciting natives of the land.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Poverty in New York City

Josh Williams Religion 10 3/16/13 Mr. Martinez Cause Of Poverty In The United States Poverty is an increasing problem in the United States. The cause of poverty in the United States is a plethora of things, Such as the economy getting worse so jobs and factories had to make budget cuts so many people lost their job because Of the worsening economy.This is not the only reason though there is also people who have serious drug and alcohol addictions and use all their money on their addictions and then become poor, there is still the gamblers that loose all their money and there’s the people that never got a good education so never got a good job and was never able to support themselves or families.Poverty is very tragic but sometimes its not only Because someone got laid off their job and there’s nothing they could do about it, but also it can be the persons fault for addictions, gambling and never taking school seriously and regretting it when their older and don’t have a job to support yourself or family. During the Holocaust there were many events that occurred which violated just about every principle of Catholic Social Teaching’s. There are three that stand out the most; these principles are life and dignity of the human person, option for the poor and vulnerable, and also care for Gods creation.These principles were violated in many ways and various occasions during the holocaust. The holocaust violates life and dignity of the human person in many ways one is that it god decides when ones life shall end and how their life shall go but the holocaust killed many innocent people for no reason and that is not what god planned for these people. â€Å"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. † – Anne Frank.This quote by Anne Frank shows even though Jews were put through so much suffering and were denied their dignity they will still be powerful and great people. â€Å"What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms? † – John Boyne. This quote is saying that killing humans is not fair because what if the killer was being killed and god decided who is who so a person should not be able to decide if he or she should live or not that is gods decision.Option for the poor and vulnerable is that people should not be prosecuted or treated differently for any reason but in the holocausts case it was the vulnerable being attacked and treated differently because Hitler and his Nazi army out numbered the Jews. â€Å"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. † – Elie Wiesel.This quote is showing that the Jews were vulnerable to the Nazi attacks and that no human should have to go through that pain and suffering no matter what condition of living. â€Å"We are alive. We are human, with good and bad in us. That's all we know for sure. We can't create a new species or a new world. That's been done. Now we have to live within those boundaries. What are our choices? We can despair and curse, and change nothing. We can choose evil like our enemies have done and create a world based on hate. Or we can try to make things better. † – Carol Matas.This quote shows that humans no matter how poor, rich, small, tall, or whatever ethnicity or religious beliefs should not be held vulnerable to a force of terrorists or extremist group such as the Nazi’s on the Jews. The last principle of catholic social teachings that were violated by the actions of the Nazi’s during the holocaust was care for God’s creations. This is the principle that was violated the most, throughou t the holocaust Jews were abused and worked to death and killed with various ways of torture showing complete disregard to God’s wishes of loving all and his creations. Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. † – Elie Wiesel. This quote shows the experience of a Jew who was actually in a concentration camp and he had to deal with the pain and suffering and this quote brings out all the si ck torture he received in a quote and how he will be scared for life and will never forget what happened to him at the concentration camp. â€Å"They thought we were stupid to do it, (hide Jews) of course; in fact, it was beyond their comprehension that we would risk so much for Jews. – Diet Eman. This quote shows even if it was stupid to help Jews and hide them because of the risk of being killed it was worth it because he was aware of God’s wishes and how the creation of god should be loved so this noble man sacrificed and put his own life at risk just to help and care for one of God’s creations. The cause of poverty in the United States is many things in today’s society, such as the worsening of the economy, job cuts, drug and alcohol addiction, gambling, poor income, and not attending college.In many cases some of these cause’s can intervene and affiliate with each other. For example if someone is poor from spending all of their money on alcoh ol and drugs the might try to gamble to get money back, or if someone does not attend college they might not get enough money from their job to provide for themselves or a family if they have one. â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. † – John F, Kennedy.This quote by the former president of the United States claims that if a nation can’t help their people who are suffering through poverty it can’t save the corrupt rich citizens who don’t donate and try to help the struggling lower class then they don’t disserve to be wealthy. This is a secondary source because John F. Kennedy did not suffer from poverty. â€Å"Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow. – Samuel Johnson. This quot e is a secondary source because Samuel Johnson did not suffer through poverty. This quote is saying that poverty is not just brought upon someone but if you don’t work hard enough it will come upon you so you must stay humble and never become to lazy and always strive for the best. â€Å"I am a poor man, but I have this consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design. † – Josh Billings. This quote shows that poverty is not planned but if you don’t work hard enough it will come to you, this man did not want to be poor but it caught up to him because his lack of effort and laziness.This quote is a primary source because it is written by someone who has experienced poverty. â€Å"The seven deadly sins†¦ food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted. † – George Bernard Shaw. This quote represent s everything that can corrupt a man and transform a good man into a sinner and these actions will leave him corrupt and poor. Poverty is experienced through out the world in large numbers but continues to grow as a huge struggle for The United states.I have my own personal experience with poverty in my life, as do many citizens of the United States. My personal experience with poverty was about two years ago my aunt who is also my godmother, and a very strong woman in my life whom I look up to was fired from her job because her company needed to save money. This impacted my life in a huge way because my aunt had nowhere to stay and she had to live with e and my family until she found a new job and was able to afford a new house.During this time period every day after my homework I would look in the newspaper with my aunt and help her find jobs that sounded like fun because it made me sad seeing my aunt like this because I looked up to her and she is one of the most inspirational wom en in my life because of the way she faugh through her struggles and overcame poverty and is now very successful. But sadly after my aunt was back on her feet and doing good at her new job a few months later she was diagnosed with breast cancer.When I heard this news I was heartbroken but I didn’t let it upset me because I know that my aunt is the strongest women ever and she can overcome anything she has been cleared of cancer twice and keeps fighting it off I know she can do anything. Poverty even in today remains as one of the United Stats biggest tribulations. More then 15% of the United States suffers from poverty, this is not acceptable we as proud citizens of the United States should fight for each other and always have one another’s back in hardships such as poverty.Ways average people can help decrease the poverty rate s very simple and will not even contribute too much time out of their day, there are easy fast simple ways we can help people suffering from po verty. These ways are doing charitable acts such as donating money, food and shelter to homeless people, or simply just can food drives at your local school just try to get involved and help your fellow neighbor’s. Poverty may be strong but as a powerful unified nation we can do anything and poverty would stand no chance against us because we are gods children and we can do anything!