Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Family Argument free essay sample

A Family Argument What was it about? Why did the argument start? When did it take place? Who were involved? Where did it happen? How was the problem solved? My family subscribes to the philosophy that family arguments, though unpleasant, are healthy and even necessary. Like my father says, they are like antibodies that fight virus in human body and eventually some good may result. My otherwise close knit family polarized by the fact that I have always been my fathers pet while my brother, Bernie, is mums pet. On one occasion, this gave rise to arguments but the differences were resolved eventually. I used to resent the fact that I had to help out with most of the household chores while Bernie got away with only some light task. Things came to a head after a family party when my mother and I went to wash up more than fifty dishes, while my brother decided to watch a late-night movie. We will write a custom essay sample on A Family Argument or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Seething with anger, I deliberately banged the dishes and pans while I washed them to create a racket to disrupt his enjoyment of the movie. Then, my brother stomped nto the kitchen, yelled at me and told me to keep it quiet. Hey! Why dont you show me how to wash all these without making a noise! I restored. Why should I? he asked without taking the bait. IVe already helped out during the party, serving everybody dinner while you were flirting with the boys! Anyway, it is a girls Job to do housework. He walked out of the kitchen triumphantly. His baseless allegations and sexist remarks riled me Just like he wanted. In my anger, I slammed the dishes even harder and stormed into the living room, switched off the TV and insisted that my brother apologized to me for making that rude statement. All this while, my mother kept reminding me that neighbors were sleeping. My father, who agreed with me that Bernie was rude, said that he should apologize. This was when Bernie went against my father and said that he always took my side. My father replied that the reason he did so was because Bernie had been spoiled by my mother. My mother lost her temper at being accused of incompetent parenting much that I was bold enough to be rude to my elder brother. The next thing we knew, everybody started yelling at the same time. My grandmother who was patiently observing all these from her room hit her walking stick on the iron grills to get out attention. Shame on all of you! Arguing children at this time of the night! Of course everybody is stressed out from the work we put into the party. This wouldnt have happened if all of you chipped in and cleaned up the house. She then delegate each of us a task in the kitchen, which proved that many hands made light work. Still Fuming with anger, we quietly retreated into the kitchen and carried out our assigned tasks. The comical part that as we worked together, the tension dissipated and by the end, it was Just too ridiculous to stay angry. We ended up laughing instead. The irony was that although Bernie had to swallow the bitter pill of being forced to do his share of housework, he soon discovered that he enjoyed it and my parents learnt to treat us as equals. Please consider what are the themes of this essay? Eg, Equality, Inequality, Conflict, Argument, Rage, Cooperation, Fairness, Discord, Anger, Predicament, Pride, Dignity, Change, Perseverance, Reward, Stubbornness. Amending the introduction: I have always wanted to change my brothers bad attitude. I have tried to talk to him and my parents many times but nothing changed. Nevertheless, I still persevered, hoping he would change. One fine day, my perseverance finally got its reward. My brother was very proud and stubborn and never helped in household chores. His pride was beyond description. However, one incident changed him drastically for good.

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