Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nature of Health Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature of Health Information - Essay Example Patient-specific needs such as a centralized list of current HCPs per patient, institution-specific needs such as a means of telling if these HCPs are on call, and domain-specific needs such as disease management with prescribing information are just some of the needs of physicians. For nurses, on the other hand, they have simpler information needs than the physicians. In patient-specific information, availability of patient diagnoses and laboratory results are needed. Institution-specific needs such as policies, protocols and census reports are also listed. Finally, domain-specific needs, specifically drug information, diagnoses definitions, and educational materials, are indicated. In addition, nurses tend to depend more on domain-specific information such as online textbook guidelines and decisions aids than do physicians. Despite these differences, the glaring similarity is that they both want to be able to communicate and share information with other HCPs (Coiera, 2000). A centr al list of current of current HCPs per patient demands the input from the HCPs themselves. Providing their concise qualifications and credentials, as well as their contact details, may help in the use of these data for knowing which HCPs to consult when certain medical conditions of a patient arises. However, these data should be processed such as they are well-organized, regularly updated, and easily accessible.

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