Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Civilizing savages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civilizing savages - Essay Example Like all the groups that will be discussed, the British behaved in culturally and an ethnically superior way to all native inhabitants; viewing them only as a source of trade and/or an obstacle in acquiring more land. Of all the colonizers, the French perhaps treated the Natives with more of a modicum of respect than did the Spanish or the British. This is not to say that they viewed them as their equals; they most certainly did not; however, the subjugation of the native population and forced removal of their lands was at least not a primary policy as it relates to the French. This determination can be seen by the money, time, effort, and lives expended by way of the Jesuit missionaries working to convert those tribes under French influence in and around Montreal and Quebec. As it relates to the Spanish, there existed a desire to convert the â€Å"saves† under their influence to Catholicism; however, it appears as if the first instinct was to utterly crush and decimate the po pulation before such efforts were attempting. To this end, entire civilizations were rendered defenseless as large numbers of the male population were massacred/maimed and others forced into bondage. Conversely, the final group that will be discussed is that of the Pennsylvania settlers. Although they were far from perfect, this multi-ethnic group composed of Dutch, Irish, English, Scotch, and French settlers established a settlement that no doubt took first prize with regards to its overall treatment of the native population.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Future of Montserrat Essay Example for Free

Future of Montserrat Essay The island of Montserrat is situated upon an underwater volcano created by a destructive plate boundary, with the volcanos peak protruding from the south side of the island by the name of Chances Peak in an area entitled Soufriere Hills (in the Caribbean). For 350 years the volcano had remained dormant; however a few weeks ago, Chances Peak became active again and began to emit dust and ash – warning signs that an eruption was almost imminent. On July 20th 1995 (yesterday) the anticipated eruption occurred, producing numerous quandaries for the surviving residents of Montserrat. Montserratians will experience the social impacts of the eruption; these may be the most direct of all the predicaments they encounter and therefore the most challenging to face. Since the volcanos on the island are perceived as unpredictable, the inhabitants are fearful of another eruption. Though they are presently being transferred to a temporary safe region, it is unknown whether a subsequent eruption would be more severe than the first and raise the figures for the injured or killed (19) unnecessarily. Hence the many who have left the island to reside (maybe permanently) in neighbouring islands, the UK or the USA, however this only applies to the populace that possess sufficient funds to do so. The safe regions are reportedly extremely crowded; consequently, with the low sanitation levels, the spread of disease will accelerate. Also, farmers are unable to farm due to constricted land and the devastating environmental impacts of the volcano. If the more wealthy (we can assume the more educated) no longer choose to reside in the island, a ‘brain drain’ will transpire, leaving farmers and communities with small businesses that rely on tourism on Montserrat, though if eruptions cease and the volcano becomes dormant again, life for the farmers could improve as over time the soil of the area would be very fertile. As a result of the ‘brain drain’ there would be an absence of teachers; therefore the children on Montserrat would not be able to learn for a period of time. Moreover, a deficiency of doctors and hospital personnel would leave many people in need of medical help unattended to. Furthermore, persons already residing in the north of the island would have to compromise with the new displaced people; this may cause some feuds over pace etc†¦ The GDP and GNP of Montserrat are predicted to face dramatic cutbacks due simply to the loss of people on the island, and the lack of income from farmers who do not have access to land they can farm on, or businesses that have been destroyed – which is common as many companies were positioned in Plymouth – a city that was completely covered by ash and soon after finished off by deadly pyroclastic flows. If the GDP and GNP do fall, citizens who have decided to stay will be significantly poorer, and therefore may not be able to pay taxes. In addition, a vast sum would have to be paid in damages to property and the building of temporary displaced peoples camps. Due to ash clouds, airports would be closed down, and airlines would have to pay massive amounts in lost revenues. Conversely, industries for other forms of transport (such as shipping companies) would benefit, as passengers search for alternatives to flying. The frequency of imports and exports would not decrease massively as a mere 1% of trade in the UK occurs on flights. Also, (elaborating on the point of aid given by other countries above) since the Montserrat was included in the Federal Colony of British Leeward Islands, the UK may offer some financial support to help improve the islands economy if the damage to it is serious enough. Additionally, the volcano has had colossal impacts on the environment (both positive and negative). Firstly, the ash has suffocated many of the flora and fauna, furthermore, the pyroclastic flow and lahars have killed all life (excluding human) within a 2km radius. Carbon dioxide emitted from the volcano is predicted by scientists to contribute to the greenhouse effect, sulphur dioxide expected to cause environmental issues as sulphur in the stratosphere is the main cause of acid rain. Nonetheless, as a result of two thirds of the islands population predicted to leave the island) the flora and fauna may flourish as there will be less human activity and settlements, leaving nature to itself without interference from machines, factories, and other forms of pollution. The land and soil affected by the volcano will also become fertile, which will, in turn, enhance the growth of plants and trees after an amount of time, and allow them to regrow. The slopes of Chances peak after the eruption are reportedly steeper than before, which will promote growth of delicate, and rare plants can grow with the protection of the slope. The volcano is also expected to alter the weather around Montserrat, causing rain, thunder and lighting. Sea temperatures have reportedly risen, killing some species that rely on specific living conditions, also silting in rivers or lakes has forced boats to stop navigating them as the depth is insufficient. On political terms, and elaborating on the point made above concerning tax and its correspondence with the lack of people on the island, the amount of tax received by the government would decrease too, resulting in a government prone to corruption. Moreover, the government may not be considered fit to run the country by its people, and may be voted out. The government of Montserrat may be forced to relinquish their independency, and amalgamate with another country to become part of their nation (a plausible example would be Montserrat re-joining Britain). On the topic of short term needs, a few that exist are food and drink, and temporary residency areas. Since the eruption would have most likely demolished many of the populace’s properties, and belongings, they will need an alternative place to stay such as the safe zone which has been arranged in the north of the island and is one third of the islands size, compressing hundreds into a tiny space. The government would also be burdened with the task of providing sufficient food and drink for the residents as they would have no means of income, or a market area to buy their own. Medical aid has also become necessary, however not as much as expected as (thankfully) most who occupied the most affected areas had been evacuated before the eruption. Long term necessities will help sustain lives devoid of poverty and hunger for the people of Montserrat. An example of a need which will help the populace in the ‘long run’ is loans to restart businesses and companies citizens had lost in the pyroclastic flows or ash. Furthermore, the government or a country aiding Montserrat could assist by building an early detection system or research facility, to identify when future eruptions may occur, therefore allowing time to prepare. MEDC’s like the USA or the UK might be reviewing plans to assist through the means of creating rehabilitation programmes, or even allowing the people of Montserrat to apply for permanent residency; this would solve the problem or relocating people to live their lives in a safe location.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Great Gatsbys Report :: essays research papers

CHAPTER 1: Nick Carraway, a young man from Minnesota who recently moved to New York to learn about the bond business, opens his story by describing himself. He is tolerant, slow to judge, and a good listener. As a result, people tend to share their secrets with him, including someone named Gatsby. Gatsby, Nick says, had a beautiful dream, but the people surrounding him ruined that dream. Nick is so disgusted with these people and their New York lifestyle that he has left New York and returned to Minnesota. In the summer of 1922, however, Nick had just arrived in New York and rented a house on a part of Long Island called West Egg. Unlike the conservative, aristocratic East Egg, West Egg is home to the "new rich," those who, having made their fortunes recently, have neither the social connections nor the refinement to move among the East Egg set. West Egg is characterized by lavish displays of wealth and garish poor taste. Nick's West Egg house is next to Gatsby's mansion, a sprawling Gothic monstrosity. Nick is unlike his West Egg neighbors--he graduated from Yale and has social connections on East Egg. One night, he drives out to East Egg to have dinner with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan, a former member of Nick's social club at Yale. Tom, a powerful figure dressed in riding clothes, meets Nick on the porch. Inside, Daisy lounges on a couch with her friend Jordan Baker, a competitive golfer who yawns as though bored by her surroundings. Tom tries to interest the others in a racist book called The Rise of the Colored Empires, by a man named Goddard. Daisy teases Tom about the book, but is interrupted when Tom leaves the room to take a phone call. Daisy follows him, and Jordan tells Nick that the call is from Tom's lover in New York. After an awkward dinner, the party breaks up; Jordan wants to go to bed because she has a golf tournament the next day. As Nick leaves, Tom and Daisy hint that they would like him to take a romantic interest in Jordan. When Nick arrives home, he sees Gatsby for the first time, standing on the lawn with his arms reaching out toward the dark water. Nick looks out at the water, but all he can see is a distant green light that might mark the end of a dock.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Colombus Day

Justice, pride, and arrogance lie and when they are crossed; however, humane treatment and respect – whether that be self- respect or respect for others – Is black and white. Columbus day Is a holiday In which Americans celebrate a man who Is not even an American, but better yet the Spanish- acclaimed Viceroy and Governor of the Indies and Admiral of the Seas who overpowered and subjected a whole land of natives to succumb to his rule, follow his logon and traditions, and be brutally beat while being forced Into slavery.Although his ability to assume power and Instill fear Into these people so quickly may be admirable, he Is not a figure that deserves the respect of Christian Americans, or let alone any Americans: and only deserves to be â€Å"honored† In a day of mourning. To begin with, Christopher Columbus sailed into this land and was greeted with kindness and peace by the natives, in which he returned with the order of the kidnapping of six natives to be his servants. Columbus simply saw these indigenous people as an obstacle in his pursuit of riches and glory, and treated them as such.The natives did have their practices of violence and brutality in which other humans were sacrificed to their native Gods or means of punishment were rather severe, but this did not beckon or welcome the brutality inculcated by Christopher Columbus and the rest of his team. Even more interestingly, Columbus' writings back to Spain made himself sound very respectful and appreciative of the Indians; however, after rather inspection, Columbus' malice shows through even what appears to be kindness and gratuity.In his log kept about the New World, he writes that these indigenous people are of the kindest, best people, and that he told his men to take nothing from them without giving them something in return. This, at first glance, seems like an exhibit of kindness, yet the Spaniards never gave back anything of equal value to the Indians. Columbus discusses ho w he would receive very gracious, generous gifts from the indigenous people -knowing and acknowledging that they ere very poor people-, and return it with a gift of no more value than that of a penny.In continuation, it is highly hypocritical that Christopher Columbus had viewed their practices of religion as malicious and Inappropriate for a civilization, then forced Christianity upon them with Inhumanity and savagery. This Is baffling because the Spaniards are going Into this foreign world Introducing a concept of a loving and benevolent God as they simultaneously kill these people and cut off their feet all for the glory of this mysterious supposedly-awesome God.As Christians, they are commanded by God to love others as you love yourself and to reflect a level of Jesus' kindness when they Instead they reflected the greed, hatred, and self- righteousness of the devil. So, not only were his actions directly affecting these natives lives, but also the appearance of Charlatanry as a whole. Columbus' take on Christianity and God actually intensifies the inhumanity and violence caused against as an excuse to execute all heathens; indigenous people.However, in reality, he was imply slaughtering thousands of innocent people who did nothing wrong except for having contrasting opinions with that of the intruding Spaniards. In conclusion, from the day that Columbus arrived to the New World, he treated the people with nothing but dignity and self-pride. Although he did â€Å"discover† the land that would later become America, he is only responsible for the deaths, severe mistreatment, and forced enslavement of multiple indigenous people. Columbus Day should be recognized as a day of mourning for the unwarranted brutality suffered by unexciting natives of the land.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Poverty in New York City

Josh Williams Religion 10 3/16/13 Mr. Martinez Cause Of Poverty In The United States Poverty is an increasing problem in the United States. The cause of poverty in the United States is a plethora of things, Such as the economy getting worse so jobs and factories had to make budget cuts so many people lost their job because Of the worsening economy.This is not the only reason though there is also people who have serious drug and alcohol addictions and use all their money on their addictions and then become poor, there is still the gamblers that loose all their money and there’s the people that never got a good education so never got a good job and was never able to support themselves or families.Poverty is very tragic but sometimes its not only Because someone got laid off their job and there’s nothing they could do about it, but also it can be the persons fault for addictions, gambling and never taking school seriously and regretting it when their older and don’t have a job to support yourself or family. During the Holocaust there were many events that occurred which violated just about every principle of Catholic Social Teaching’s. There are three that stand out the most; these principles are life and dignity of the human person, option for the poor and vulnerable, and also care for Gods creation.These principles were violated in many ways and various occasions during the holocaust. The holocaust violates life and dignity of the human person in many ways one is that it god decides when ones life shall end and how their life shall go but the holocaust killed many innocent people for no reason and that is not what god planned for these people. â€Å"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. † – Anne Frank.This quote by Anne Frank shows even though Jews were put through so much suffering and were denied their dignity they will still be powerful and great people. â€Å"What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms? † – John Boyne. This quote is saying that killing humans is not fair because what if the killer was being killed and god decided who is who so a person should not be able to decide if he or she should live or not that is gods decision.Option for the poor and vulnerable is that people should not be prosecuted or treated differently for any reason but in the holocausts case it was the vulnerable being attacked and treated differently because Hitler and his Nazi army out numbered the Jews. â€Å"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. † – Elie Wiesel.This quote is showing that the Jews were vulnerable to the Nazi attacks and that no human should have to go through that pain and suffering no matter what condition of living. â€Å"We are alive. We are human, with good and bad in us. That's all we know for sure. We can't create a new species or a new world. That's been done. Now we have to live within those boundaries. What are our choices? We can despair and curse, and change nothing. We can choose evil like our enemies have done and create a world based on hate. Or we can try to make things better. † – Carol Matas.This quote shows that humans no matter how poor, rich, small, tall, or whatever ethnicity or religious beliefs should not be held vulnerable to a force of terrorists or extremist group such as the Nazi’s on the Jews. The last principle of catholic social teachings that were violated by the actions of the Nazi’s during the holocaust was care for God’s creations. This is the principle that was violated the most, throughou t the holocaust Jews were abused and worked to death and killed with various ways of torture showing complete disregard to God’s wishes of loving all and his creations. Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. † – Elie Wiesel. This quote shows the experience of a Jew who was actually in a concentration camp and he had to deal with the pain and suffering and this quote brings out all the si ck torture he received in a quote and how he will be scared for life and will never forget what happened to him at the concentration camp. â€Å"They thought we were stupid to do it, (hide Jews) of course; in fact, it was beyond their comprehension that we would risk so much for Jews. – Diet Eman. This quote shows even if it was stupid to help Jews and hide them because of the risk of being killed it was worth it because he was aware of God’s wishes and how the creation of god should be loved so this noble man sacrificed and put his own life at risk just to help and care for one of God’s creations. The cause of poverty in the United States is many things in today’s society, such as the worsening of the economy, job cuts, drug and alcohol addiction, gambling, poor income, and not attending college.In many cases some of these cause’s can intervene and affiliate with each other. For example if someone is poor from spending all of their money on alcoh ol and drugs the might try to gamble to get money back, or if someone does not attend college they might not get enough money from their job to provide for themselves or a family if they have one. â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. † – John F, Kennedy.This quote by the former president of the United States claims that if a nation can’t help their people who are suffering through poverty it can’t save the corrupt rich citizens who don’t donate and try to help the struggling lower class then they don’t disserve to be wealthy. This is a secondary source because John F. Kennedy did not suffer from poverty. â€Å"Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow. – Samuel Johnson. This quot e is a secondary source because Samuel Johnson did not suffer through poverty. This quote is saying that poverty is not just brought upon someone but if you don’t work hard enough it will come upon you so you must stay humble and never become to lazy and always strive for the best. â€Å"I am a poor man, but I have this consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design. † – Josh Billings. This quote shows that poverty is not planned but if you don’t work hard enough it will come to you, this man did not want to be poor but it caught up to him because his lack of effort and laziness.This quote is a primary source because it is written by someone who has experienced poverty. â€Å"The seven deadly sins†¦ food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted. † – George Bernard Shaw. This quote represent s everything that can corrupt a man and transform a good man into a sinner and these actions will leave him corrupt and poor. Poverty is experienced through out the world in large numbers but continues to grow as a huge struggle for The United states.I have my own personal experience with poverty in my life, as do many citizens of the United States. My personal experience with poverty was about two years ago my aunt who is also my godmother, and a very strong woman in my life whom I look up to was fired from her job because her company needed to save money. This impacted my life in a huge way because my aunt had nowhere to stay and she had to live with e and my family until she found a new job and was able to afford a new house.During this time period every day after my homework I would look in the newspaper with my aunt and help her find jobs that sounded like fun because it made me sad seeing my aunt like this because I looked up to her and she is one of the most inspirational wom en in my life because of the way she faugh through her struggles and overcame poverty and is now very successful. But sadly after my aunt was back on her feet and doing good at her new job a few months later she was diagnosed with breast cancer.When I heard this news I was heartbroken but I didn’t let it upset me because I know that my aunt is the strongest women ever and she can overcome anything she has been cleared of cancer twice and keeps fighting it off I know she can do anything. Poverty even in today remains as one of the United Stats biggest tribulations. More then 15% of the United States suffers from poverty, this is not acceptable we as proud citizens of the United States should fight for each other and always have one another’s back in hardships such as poverty.Ways average people can help decrease the poverty rate s very simple and will not even contribute too much time out of their day, there are easy fast simple ways we can help people suffering from po verty. These ways are doing charitable acts such as donating money, food and shelter to homeless people, or simply just can food drives at your local school just try to get involved and help your fellow neighbor’s. Poverty may be strong but as a powerful unified nation we can do anything and poverty would stand no chance against us because we are gods children and we can do anything!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Evidence of the Scythians essays

Evidence of the Scythians essays In archaeology the term Scythians refers to the tribes which inhabited the steppers adjoining to the northern shores of the Black Sea. There is also a broader notion of the Scythian world considered as a group of different tribes sharing a common economic and cultural life and occupying a large region. The study and excavation of Scythian burial sites in the territory to the north of the Black Sea coast began over two hundred years ago. The systematic study of Scythian antiquities started with the excavation of Kul Oba barrow near Kerch in 1830. Scythian finds reveal the highest level of workmanship as well as their close ties with many peoples and tribes in the territories between Far East and Western Europe. The distinctive feature of the art and culture of the Scythians were determined by their nomadic lifestyle. Born warriors, horsemen and herdsmen they roamed the steppers near the Black Sea coast with their many herds of cattle and horsemen and herdsmen all year round. Since their dwellings were covered wagons, they had no interest in constructing public buildings or temples and did not erect images of their Gods. The output of the decorative arts was connected with the class differentiation in Scythian society. This process started in the seventh century BC. The military leaders formed the upper class of society. They tried to stand out from their fellow tribesmen and to show their importance and social superiority with the trappings of wealth and power. In the conditions of nomadic life and frequent military engagements these aims could be best achieved by gold and silver decorations worn on ceremonial and ritual clothing or by richly ornamented weapons and horse accessories, as w ell as grooming articles and ritual tools. All these objects were decorated with figures of animals or scenes of fighting beasts. Scythian art, like the whole of its culture, may be divided into three periods: early Scythian or archaic...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Global Warming and Its Effect on Marine Populations

Global Warming and Its Effect on Marine Populations Global warming, an increase in the Earths average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate, is a growing environmental concern caused by industry and agriculture in the mid-20th century to the present. As greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane are released into the atmosphere, a shield forms around the Earth, trapping heat  and, therefore, creating a general warming effect. Oceans are one of the areas most affected by this warming. Rising air temperatures affect the physical nature of the oceans. As air temperatures rise, water becomes less dense and separates from a nutrient-filled cold layer below. This is the basis for a chain effect that impacts all marine life that counts on these nutrients for survival. There are two general physical effects of ocean warming on marine populations that are crucial to consider: Changes in natural habitats and food supplyChanging ocean chemistry/acidification Changes in Natural Habitats and Food Supply Phytoplankton, one-celled plants that live at the oceans surface and algae use photosynthesis for nutrients. Photosynthesis is a process that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into organic carbon and oxygen, which feed  almost every ecosystem.   According to a NASA study, phytoplankton is more likely to thrive in cooler oceans. Similarly, algae, a plant that produces food for other marine life through photosynthesis, is vanishing due to ocean warming. Since oceans are warmer, nutrients cant travel upward to these suppliers, which survive only in oceans small surface layer. Without those nutrients, phytoplankton and algae cannot supplement marine life with necessary organic carbon and oxygen. Yearly Growth Cycles Various plants and animals in the oceans need both a temperature and light balance in order to thrive. Temperature-driven creatures, such as phytoplankton, have started their yearly growth cycle earlier in the season due to warming oceans. Light-driven creatures start their yearly growth cycle around the same time. Since phytoplankton thrive in earlier seasons, the entire food chain is affected. Animals that once traveled to the surface for food are now finding an area void of nutrients, and light-driven creatures are starting their growth cycles at different times. This creates a non-synchronous natural environment. Migration The warming of oceans may also lead to migration of organisms along the coasts. Heat-tolerant species, such as shrimp, expand northward, while heat-intolerant species, such as clams and flounder, retreat northward. This migration leads to a new mix of organisms in an entirely new environment, ultimately causing changes in predatory habits. If some organisms cannot adapt to their new marine environment, they will not flourish and will die off. Changing Ocean Chemistry/Acidification As carbon dioxide is released into the oceans, the ocean chemistry drastically changes. Greater carbon dioxide concentrations released into the oceans create increased ocean acidity. As ocean acidity increases, phytoplankton is  reduced. This results in fewer ocean plants able to convert greenhouse gasses. Increased ocean acidity also threatens marine life, such as corals and shellfish, which may become extinct later this century from the chemical effects of carbon dioxide. Acidifications Effect on Coral Reefs Coral, one of the leading sources for the oceans food and livelihood, is also changing with global warming. Naturally, coral secretes tiny shells of calcium carbonate in order to form its skeleton. Yet, as carbon dioxide from global warming is released into the atmosphere, acidification increases and the carbonate ions vanish. This results in lower extension rates or weaker skeletons in most corals. Coral Bleaching Coral bleaching, the breakdown in the symbiotic relationship between coral and algae, is also occurring with warmer ocean temperatures. Since zooxanthellae, or algae, give coral its particular coloration, increased carbon dioxide in the planets oceans causes coral stress and a release of this algae. This leads to a lighter appearance. When this relationship that is so important for our ecosystem to survive vanishes, corals begin to weaken. Consequently, food and habitats for a great number of marine life are also destroyed. Holocene Climatic Optimum The  drastic climate change known as Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) and its effect on surrounding wildlife is not new. The HCO, a general warming period displayed in fossil records from 9,000 to 5,000 BP, proves that climate change can directly impact natures inhabitants. In 10,500 BP, younger dryas, a plant that once spread throughout the world in various cold climates, became nearly extinct due to this warming period. Toward the end of the warming period, this plant that so much of nature had depended on was only found in the few areas that remained cold. Just as younger dryas became scarce in the past, phytoplankton, coral reefs, and the marine life that depend on them are becoming scarce today. Earths environment is continuing on a circular path that may soon lead to chaos within a once naturally balanced environment. Future Outlook and Human Effects The warming of the oceans and its effect on marine life has a direct impact on human life. As coral reefs die, the world loses an entire ecological habitat of fish. According to the World Wildlife Fund, a small increase of 2 degrees Celsius would destroy almost all existing coral reefs. Additionally, ocean circulation changes due to warming would have a disastrous effect on marine fisheries. This drastic outlook is often hard to imagine. It can only be related to a similar historical event. Fifty-five million years ago, ocean acidification led to a mass extinction of ocean creatures. According to fossil records, it took more than 100,000 years for the oceans to recover. Eliminating the use of greenhouse gasses and protecting the oceans can prevent this from occurring again.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancient Greek Flood Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha

Ancient Greek Flood Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha The story of Noahs ark is not the only flood story in mythology: There are many others. The story of Deucalion and Pyrrha is the Greek version. Like the version found in the Old Testament, in the Greek version, the flood is a means to punish mankind. The Flood in the Context of Greek Mythology According to Hesiods Theogony, there were five â€Å"ages of man†: the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Ages, the Age of Heroes, and the Iron Age. The Golden Age was a time of virtue and plenty under the leadership of the Titan Cronus. This delightful period, however, ended in a war when the children of Cronus joined together to battle against the Titans.The Silver Age began after Cronus was deposed by his children, led by Zeus. Now, instead of the Titans, the world was ruled by the Olympians. Less brilliant as the Golden Age, the Silver Age was a time during which human beings refused to obey the gods. Zeus ended the Silver Age by killing the humans who had displeased him and sending them to the underworld.After a period of time, Zeus decided to create a new type of human being. The men of the Bronze Age were strong and aggressive, with weapons, armor, and homes made of bronze. These terrible men worshiped the war god Ares, ate the hearts of their enemies, and finally destroyed one another.Disappointed by the Bronze men, Zeus sent a great flood. The flood was followed by a new era called the Age of Heroes, during which the gre at Trojan wars were fought. Great men were born during this era; after their deaths, they spent eternity in the delightful Elysian Fields. Finally, after the heroes had played their role, Zeus created the Age of Iron. As with all the other ages, it is doomed to a final failure, at which point Zeus will return to remake the world. The Story of the Flood Warned by his father, the immortal Titan Prometheus, Deucalion built an ark to survive the coming Bronze Age-ending flood that Zeus sent to punish mankind for its wickedness. Deucalion and his cousin-wife, Pyrrha (daughter of Prometheus brother Epimetheus and Pandora), survived for 9 days of flooding before landing at Mt. Parnassus. All alone in the world, they wanted company. In answer to this need, the Titan, and goddess of prophecy ​Themis cryptically told them to throw the bones of their mother behind them. They interpreted this as meaning throw stones over their shoulders onto Mother Earth, and did so. The stones Deucalion threw became men, and those Pyrrha threw became women. Deucalion and Pyrrha settled in Thessaly where they produced offspring the old-fashioned way. Their two sons were Hellen and Amphictyon. Hellen sired Aeolus (founder of the Aeolians), Dorus (founder of the Dorians), and Xuthus. Xuthus sired Achaeus (founder of the Achaeans) and Ion (founder of the Ionians).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Take-Home Quiz 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Take-Home Quiz 3 - Essay Example There are two types of fiscal policy: discretionary fiscal policy and non-discretionary fiscal policy. Discretionarily policy is the deliberate changes in government spending and taxes in order to ensure stabilization of the economy through increased demand by achieving control inflation, full employment and economic growth. (Fisher 2011) Expansionary policy- a) When the government increases its spending then the aggregate demand will shift to the right b) The reduction in taxes will make the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right c) The application of increasing government spending and decreasing taxes. contractionary policy a) By reducing the government spending , there will be a shift of the aggregate demand to the left with prices falling down with an assumption that there is downward price flexibility b) When taxes are raised , the aggregate demand will shift to the left c) Combination of tax increase and reduction in government spending. Non-discretionary policy- These ar e automatic stabilizers which do not require any government regulations. They often take place as a result of changes in taxes as GDP changes. Recession can happen if there is the fall on consumption, investment, government spending and exports. The short term effect is the raising of unemployment. The fiscal policy is therefore to deal with unemployment. The tool that the Bahrain government can use includes raising government expenditure, lowering taxes and the combination of two. (Fisher 2011) If AD shifts to the left, it is countered by adopting discretionary expansionary fiscal policy. In the chart, assume that the RGDP1 is the full employment level of output in Bahrain. If Ad falls AD2, RGDP will fall to RGDP2 as a result of full multiplier of the changes in G, I, X, or C. Reducing taxes and increasing its expenditure will enhance the spending capability of the populace. When the government pays for the services, it will create more jobs and enhanced wages people earn that will in turn be pumped into the economy. Through pump priming the government will be able to create more jobs and improve the consumer’s capacity to buy goods. This will at the end rekindle business and improve the growth of an economy. The private sector will benefit from the ability of customers to buy their products besides enjoying cheap services funded by the government. The private sector will be able to create more jobs to the people and in turn pay more taxes to the government. Question 2 An economy can be impacted either positively or negatively by the changes in interest rates. Interest rate influences the spending patterns of consumers and the growth of an economy. If the federal government cuts the interest rate there will be a reduced cost of borrowing and therefore there will be an increased disposable income to the consumers. This will lead to higher spending and improved growth of the economy. If the fed increases interest rates, there will be reduced inflation. C onsumers will be shy of spending and injecting their money into the economy in form of investments. This will then result into an economic downturn or recession. The growth of an economy will be slow, which will in turn result to increased capacity spare and increased cases of unemployment. A growing economy is characterized by

Friday, October 18, 2019

A World of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

A World of Art - Essay Example SUBJECT SUMMARY Although, Van Gogh and Da Vinci were from separate eras who led distinct lives, they had at least two things in common: their love of art and the fact that they are legendary. The drama they ensued during their lifetimes distinctly shaped them into the men and artists they became, even how they fared in the view of the public. Their differences of experiences in life were evident in their painting styles through elements and principles of design. This division of talent helped shape them into separate, popular artists that each recognized separately of one another. BODY Leonardo da Vinci lived before Van Gogh in 1452, born in Vinci, Italy on April 15 (Leonardo, 2011). Out of everything he did, da Vinci was most noted for his paintings. However, he also heavily influenced people because he beheld one of the most amazing minds of the Italian Renaissance through his work as not just a painter, but as a sculptor, engineer, architect, and scientist (Leonardo, 2011). This i s not really well-known about him, but da Vinci was an illegitimate son of Ser Piero da Vinci and a village woman, Caterina (Leonardo, 2011). Not much is remembered of his mother. His father, on the other-hand, was a noticeable notary who apprenticed da Vinci to Andrea del Verrocchio in 1435 to 1488 (Leonardo, 2011). Opposite of rebellion, da Vinci conformed to tradition. He studied Verrocchio, especially his obsessive methods of perfection in regard to the human figure (Leonardo, 2011). In fact, one of da Vinci’s first paintings came from his assistant work in Verrocchio’s shop when he painted Baptism of Christ (Leonardo, 2011). Despite learning from another artist, da Vinci remained original in his work, not a copier or lesser talented person of his predecessor. Da Vinci set up his own shop after several years in 1478, and by 1481 he was asked to create an altarpiece in a major church entitled Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo, 2011). His experimentation during the Mil anese period where he dabbled in different oils for his paintings did not bode well for future view. Many paintings at that time were lost. Specifically, his infamous artwork The Last Supper had been reduced to mere spots and later reconstructed to what it is today (Leonardo, 2011). Later in life during 1500s, da Vinci focused his talents on human vitality (Leonardo, 2011). His painting Mona Lisa, arguably his most famous, is a product of da Vinci’s human portrayal. By 1506, da Vinci began to focus on science and the living organism (Leonardo, 2011). A few scientific analyses da Vinci conducted were: firearms, growth of plants, flight of birds, and geology (Leonardo, 2011). Before da Vinci died, the French king, Francis I, gave him a country estate in Cloux, France, which is where da Vinci passed away on May 2, 1519 at 67. Vincent Van Gogh entered the world on March 30, 1853 in Groot-Zundert in Holland from a Protestant minister, Theodorus, and his mother, Cornelia (Vincent, 2011). He received his name after he was born a year after the death of his younger brother, a stillborn (Vincent, 2011). Like da Vinci, little is understood or known of Van Gogh’s childhood, but there is speculation that Van Gogh’s mother encouraged him to draw and paint (Vincent, 2011). Before his artistry, Van Gogh was hired on at his Uncle’s company. The firm was called Goupil and Company, a company with art dealers, that Van Gogh worked for starting at age 16 and remained at for

Essentials of corporate financial management Coursework

Essentials of corporate financial management - Coursework Example In addition, the tool can easily be modified to reflect updated information or changes in perceived risk, this is done by amending either the cash flows used or using an alternative discount rate. NPV however, is not without its problems. While the method is easily understood by those with an accounting background, a positive NPV leading to the acceptance of a project and a negative NPV a rejection. The actual calculations can be difficult to explain to a non-financial manager, the method can also be time consuming to set up in the first place. As such, the client may choose to use alternative methods including payback period or internal rate of return (IRR). Payback period is tool which gives a simple approximation of the length of time a project will take to pay back based upon an undiscounted cash flow. As such, the tool is easily explained to the non-financial manager but can be seen as oversimplified, not taking into account the time value of money (Arnold, 2007, Tennentt 2008). IRR on the other hand is similar to NPV in that the tool works with discounted cash flows however, instead of delivering a bottom line return on the project, the tool returns a return as a percentage in relation to the discount rate used. As such, this can be an appealing way of presenting financial information to managers who are used to dealing with percentages and other forms of sales data. Despite the use of these tools for the purposes of financial evaluation, it may be of greater importance for the client to consider qualitative data in relation to potential projects as well as the financial data. For instance, the client may consider the marketing benefits associated with the project which could be used to drive a clear message of the company’s commitments to the community and the wider social environment. In addition, the client also needs to be careful to consider the nature of the assumptions used in the building of any financial models. For instance, an assumption has been made that the cost of particle acquisition has been guaranteed by contract at ?3.50 per tonne for the next five years. However, the client should consider various scenarios such as the liquidation of the supplier and the then changed cost of acquiring the raw material in such an environment. As such, it may be stated that the validity of any financial modelling is only as good as the information from which the model is built. As such, while the clients NPV methodology is a good one in conducting a project appraisal, the client should also consider conducting a number of other forms of analysis alongside this, including payback period, IRR and qualitative analysis. A sample payback period, NPV and IRR have been provided in appendix one with the following results: NPV: ?3,847,144 – Accept Project IRR: 79.93% - Accept Project Payback period – Within 2 years Client 2 In the scenario presented, the client is left with two major options for the funding of any futur e expansions, namely long term debt funding through bonds and long term equity funding through the issue of new share capital. In addition, the client may consider a hybrid option issuing both long term debt and equity to fund future growth. In making any decision, one of the prime considerations of any financing exercise is to consider the cost of finance. In general terms, the cost of debt is seen in the literature as having a generally lower

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Legal Environment Coursework 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Legal Environment Coursework 2010 - Essay Example g friendly and having an access to the defendant in his office, he had the opportunity to use police national computer to trace registration number of two vehicles, one on each count apparently for the purpose of his business and to get registration information about the said vehicles from the data available on line for this purpose. In one instance out of two, there was no access to data base as the vehicle for which search was made was owned by a company and not by an individual and on the other there was an activation of database as the record of the person so required was available in the data base and hence, it was seen. Mr. English, being the outsider was not authorized to access the database and the defendant in this case was accused of unauthorized use of the information contained in the database as per the provisions of aforementioned Act 1984. It is, however, established that there was no subsequent use of that data from any quarter concerned. Defendant took the plea that there was neither unauthorized use of the data in terms of the provisions of the Act 1984 nor any act in contravention of the law is committed by the defendant and hence pleaded non guilty. Court of first instance pronounced him guilty on both of the accounts whereas the court of appeal overruled the decision of trial court. In the case of R v. Dixion, defendant was charged with an offence under Data Protection Act 1984 on two accounts. First charge was that he tried to use the National police data for which he was unauthorized. Second charge was that he actually used the data for which he was not authorized. The court of first instance found him guilty on both the above mentioned instances. The defendant went into appeal against the decision and as the result of the appeal following legal questions were raised and discussed by the court. It was debated that what constitute data in terms of the Act of 1984. The language of the Act 1984 Section 1(2) describes the data as information

Reading assigment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading assigment - Assignment Example It is also a strategy that affirms the need for new business entities to tend to customers through the original ideas of the pioneer such as Halston. Overall, it ensures both the old and young can come together in terms of fashion. However, the initiative undertaken by the Net-a-Porter has a great impact upon copycat manufacturers and fast fashion retailers because they will find loopholes of exploiting the fashion market. This is through the use of less creative and innovative mechanisms such as reproduction and offering sales at cheaper prices to attract customers. On that note, the original business owner fails to attract his deserved royalties in that case causing infringement copyright issues. It is equally compounded by the blatant use of logos and designs that belong to Halston thereby aggravating the intellectual aspect of safeguard all creative materials of other artists. In other words, this strategy is wrought with different failures because both retailers and customers are not bound to get their bargains. One of the disadvantages to offering pieces of collection includes the fear of contravention of the existing intellectual and copyright laws. All materials displayed at the runaway show belong to Halston’s fashion empire the Net-a-Porter company. Another glaring disadvantage involves the wrapping, packaging, and eventual delivery that could fail to meet the targets of ideal customers in the market. This implies that Halston’s name could be misused to the demerit of his legacy and reputation in launching and re-launching new and old products respectively. Similarly, the designs will suffer integrity and authenticity issues during display because they lack a distinct collector after the presentation at the runaway shows or even galleries. It connotes the risks of engaging in second party merchandising. Consequently, from the Net-a-Porter perspective, there are various risks associated with this type of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Legal Environment Coursework 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Legal Environment Coursework 2010 - Essay Example g friendly and having an access to the defendant in his office, he had the opportunity to use police national computer to trace registration number of two vehicles, one on each count apparently for the purpose of his business and to get registration information about the said vehicles from the data available on line for this purpose. In one instance out of two, there was no access to data base as the vehicle for which search was made was owned by a company and not by an individual and on the other there was an activation of database as the record of the person so required was available in the data base and hence, it was seen. Mr. English, being the outsider was not authorized to access the database and the defendant in this case was accused of unauthorized use of the information contained in the database as per the provisions of aforementioned Act 1984. It is, however, established that there was no subsequent use of that data from any quarter concerned. Defendant took the plea that there was neither unauthorized use of the data in terms of the provisions of the Act 1984 nor any act in contravention of the law is committed by the defendant and hence pleaded non guilty. Court of first instance pronounced him guilty on both of the accounts whereas the court of appeal overruled the decision of trial court. In the case of R v. Dixion, defendant was charged with an offence under Data Protection Act 1984 on two accounts. First charge was that he tried to use the National police data for which he was unauthorized. Second charge was that he actually used the data for which he was not authorized. The court of first instance found him guilty on both the above mentioned instances. The defendant went into appeal against the decision and as the result of the appeal following legal questions were raised and discussed by the court. It was debated that what constitute data in terms of the Act of 1984. The language of the Act 1984 Section 1(2) describes the data as information

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

US Role in the ME Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

US Role in the ME - Assignment Example decades been involved in affairs of the Middle East with the aim of ensuring stability, democracy, and fostering economic relationships with countries in this region. However, the main aim of the US involvement and influence does not seem to be stability or democracy, but rather, control of the rich oil resource from this region (Shah). The US or any other Western super power should not be directly involved in the affairs of the Middle East and the Gulf region because their involvement is for their own economic benefit but not for the persons living there. This so sought of stability is meant to perpetuate status quo which is good for America and other western super powers but it is very bad for other very many Middle Easterners who have to pay the price. In the so called stability involves worthless civil wars, wars between countries, represses free thought, struggle for freedom, and self determination. There is totally no growth or development, no achievement opportunities and no benefits accruing for the masses whose situation is thought of as stable. As long there is no disturbance as the Americans want, the Middle Eastern continue to live in oppression and poverty, and they are stable (Levy). Evidence – just as Africa, the Middle East is a region very rich in human and natural resource and yet it is the second most backward region after Africa simply because of the interference and unwanted involvement of the west. The citizens of these regions can not oppose bad rule in the stable nations as perceived by the U.S and the west since they actions would be seen to be disturbing the peace and yet, they continue to languish in abject poverty. The West have put corrupt Arab leaders in power and supported the overthrowing of those leaders that they have considered as unfavorable so as to maintain their superiority, influence and control over the region. In addition, this has served to put the population of these countries at bay and in return those leaders

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social network service Essay Example for Free

Social network service Essay Internet is recently one of the fast, convenient ways for people to communicate with other people around the world. Especially with social networking sites, people are now able to create their own world online. They can do all the things they want to do even things they can’t do them in their real lives. Most likely, teenagers are a great numbers of users and members of the networking sites such as Myspace, Hi5, Facebook and Friendster. They usually get online and join those sites on their free time. Adults are not exceptions here, they use networking sites to do research, communicate with others or do their work online. In some aspects, those networking sites have shared the bad publicity of identity theft, false profiles, and online predators. In fact, those things have happened recently because social networking sites can not control what kind of people will be online and join their sites, so the risks are obviously not created by their faults. Despite of those bad publicities, social networking are still popularfor their great functions and features. Specially, creating a comfortable entertain atmosphere, helping people improve their social skills, and providing interesting information for users to learn and expand their knowledge. First, social networking sites create a comfortable entertain atmosphere that people can access anytime when they are at home. These sites are like playground where people can find things to do. For example, for bored people, it is probably a good place for them to spend their time. Moreover, these social networking sites allow people to create a personal profile in order to keep in touch with old friends, make new friends and even to look for a date online. For instance, we have been using Yahoo for two years, and we were surprised that this site helped us to reunite my old friends in high school in Manila. It was amazing that we also have a lot of new friendships since we have used it. Moreover,social networking sites also encourage people to create their own profiles, which can include their personal information, their interest, their photo slides, blog entries and even music clips. These are great features because people can share not only their information with others but also share their interests and hobbies as well. Some people write their dairies in blogs, where entries are made in journal style, to share with others and allow people to post comments in comment box. Therefore,social networking sites are good places for people to make friends and express their feelings with online world. Next, another advantage of social networking sites is helping people to practice and improve their social skills. Just like talking on the phone, socialization on the internet give people chances to think about their conversation and have more time to think how to response. Thus, this kind of socializing is more convenience than face-to-face interaction. It is a good opportunity for them to experiment with greetings and response, especially with kids and teenagers w ho are anxious when they involve in conversations. Moreover, social networking sites are also useful for people with special needs can express themselves, including thought and feeling, more easily and without fear of being teased or rejection they may have in real life. Specially, for people with learning disabilities, these sites help them to socialize anonymously. For instance, they can present different personas or act as people who they really are when they create profiles online, because in real life they don’t have chances to be themselves in some ways. By using these sites, they will have a great experience with initiating and maintaining online friendships. They will become more confident and improve their social skills, which they may carry over into real life and give them courage to maintain friendship in real life. So you see, there are a lot of things that are going on with these social networking sites. That’s the reason why we chose this topic. We wanted to know the effects brought by social networking sites to fourth year students, particularly to the fourth year students of IV- Love of the College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Professional Ethics And Accountability Of Teachers Education Essay

Professional Ethics And Accountability Of Teachers Education Essay In a world of science and technology, it is education that determines the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the people. This is not a mere statement of faith in education as expressed by the Education Commission (1964-66) but a very well proven truth as well. While education of acceptable quality depends on many factors including curriculum, infrastructure, teaching-learning material and methods, educational technology, etc. yet the most important among these factors is the teacher. It is he who is directly responsible to operationalize the process of education, establish intimate contact with learners and motivate and train them in various aspects of their personality in a manner that they are successfully initiated into the society as its young, promising, productive and responsible members who are capable to face the challenges of life effectively. Like many other professionals, a teacher also needs initial education and training of reasonable length and quality which h as to be followed by regular life-long professional development equipment sharp and useful in the ever changing contexts. - 1Research Scholar, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa. 2Teaching Associate, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa. Introduction In India, the need of initial education and training of the would-be teacher for different levels of schools education is now well recognized. In higher education sector this need is yet to be appreciated by educational planner. Given the importance assigned to initial training of teacher, elaborate arrangement for initial preparation of school teachers has been made across the country. It is sad that the pre-service teacher preparation in the country is not well organised in its setting as well as in its curriculum. While emphasizing the need to revamp the initial preparation of teachers, the Programme of Action (POA 1986) and the revised POA (1992) had also stressed that to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, the quality of education will have to be enhanced which would only be possible through continuous professional development of working teacher at school and higher education levels. For school teachers, regular programmes of in-service training were mooted and for college and university teachers, programmers of initial orientation followed by a series of refresher courses were planned. At school level, organization of the professional development programmes for teachers is the responsibility of Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Council for Teacher Education (CTE), State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) for different categories of teacher and teacher educators. At university level, this responsibility is being taken up by the specially created institutions called Academic Staff Colleges. But in both the cases, teachers professional development activities are confined to their attending these activities, get some number and completing a technical requirement of a particular number of in-service courses for further promotion in the ladder of their career. In both the cases, it is commonly observed that teachers are more concerned with their certification for having attended programmes than their academic enrichment and professional development. The fault, of course, does not entirely lie with the teachers, it is also the teachers professional development institutions and educational administrators who fail to motivate the teachers to change their approach and attitude towards their professional responsibilities. Ethics originated as the philosophical study, begun by Plato and Aristotle, of what constituted a good life. Under the tutelage of subsequent philosophers, the thought came about that a truly good life was a life lived virtuously. This line of though helped to establish a philosophical study of just and unjust behavior. This has taken root most especially in the professional field where the jobs of people have grant them a certain amount of authority. Professional Ethics If one is attempting to live a just, and therefore ethical, life, then it follows that their actions should be virtuous in their vocation as well as their personal life. This is the beginning of professional ethics. Professional ethics were established, and are constantly being developed, as a guiding set of principles that help dictate what constitutes good behavior of person in authority. Professional ethics, in short, are the means of which we judge authoritys validity. Professional Ethical Principles The following are the basic rules for ethical behavior: Not using authority to influence personal life or for monetary gain. Not using authority with malicious intent. Acting within the scope of positions authority only. Not influencing or advocating unethical conduct in others. Acting in good faith to fulfill the duty of the position of authority. Need of Professional Ethics To aware the teachers to do their duties and abiding by truth, hard work and honesty when they tend towards comforts, selfishness, laziness and money. To change the conduct and behavior of teachers in such a way behind which there must be social acceptance and approval. To act as a role model for students by behaving in ethical manner to one and all. To create, sustain and maintain a reciprocal relationship between school and society for ensuring harmonious development of the students as well as of society. To enable every teacher for becoming a real one in truest sense of the term by moulding his personality. To bring improvement in professional environment to make it more conducive, favourable and appropriate for effective working. For this the teacher have to follow the ethical codes of teaching profession. Professional Ethics The following are some professional ethics for teachers:- Loyalty Towards Duty Punctuality Dutifulness Respect for the profession Respect for the institution Respect and admiration for Co-Staff Strictness and straight forwardness Truthfulness Honesty Good Behavior Towards Students Use of Rights Motivational Attitude Studious / Good Learner Dressing Sense Positive Attitude Innovative Proper Use of Authority IN PARAGRAPH FORM Accountability Accountability is a concept of ethics and governance with several meanings. It is often used synonymously with such concepts as responsibility, answerability, Blameworthiness, Liability. As result the concept of Accountability of teachers has completely disappeared into cold bag not leaving behind even a faint clue. For the last three decades, all the committees and commissions appointed to suggest reforms in higher education had recommended the regular teachers performance evaluation and ensuring their accountability: In 1986, S.R. Sen Committee while recommending higher pay scales had added the need for code of (professional ethics) to be made a part of it. In 1986, National Policy of Education and also its programme of action (POA) had recommended for annual performance appraisal of teachers of education institutions to ensure their accountability. In Dec. 1988, the U.G.C. Issued a notification regarding Accountability in higher education for all the universities that self appraisal performance of the teacher is to be made mandatory as a requirement of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for award of new pay scales and be implemented with a year. Rastogi committee (1977) while emphasizing the need for account ability in teaching profession suggested self-appraisal by teacher, assessment by students in appropriate manner, periodic performance appraisal, work load and code of professional ethics should be taken in to consideration while ensuring accountability of the teachers. In 2008, UGCs latest pay review committee headed my professor G.K. Chadda recommended multiple parameters like regularity in classroom teaching, holding tutorials, availability to students for consultation, participating in faculty meetings, guiding and carrying our research and participating in other academic activities like seminar, workshop etc. should taken in to consideration while assessing a teachers academic accountability. Professional Accountability Professionalism in any sector is a result of the extent of accountability on the part of individuals. Teaching, being a profession, assumes that every teacher needs to be accountable towards his job. The following are the expected teacher behavior in the form of accountability:- Accountability towards students Teacher and students are the two main pillars of the teaching learning process. The progress and development of the learners can be possible only when the teacher is sincere, hard work, sympathetic. For achieving optimal learning of students, the teacher should be accountable and should take care of the students progress according to his ability. Accountability towards Society The most important role of teacher is to bring the students into educational fold, coordinate various activities of the society and motivate the weaker sections of the society to learn because he can develop confidence to link between the school and the society. Hence the teacher should be accountable towards the society, which is beyond the classroom teaching. Accountability towards Profession A teacher should think various ways and means to help the students to acquire the knowledge, to develop academic potential and to sharp their future through the process of teaching- learning. Professionally accountable teachers adopt various methods and techniques of teaching follow the code of conduct, set the examples for others apply new ideas in classroom situations. Thus a teacher can achieve profession enrichment and excellence which which is beneficial for national development. Accountability towards lifelong teaching and learning A teacher should devote his whole life to teaching as well as learning for the future of humanity as his role is multidimensional and multifarious. Conclusion A professionally accountable teacher must be excellent not only in the subject to be taught, but also understand the learning requirements of the students. He should be caring, affectionate and sympathetic towards them for their harmonious development and prosperity of nation. Hence it is essential that a teacher must be accountable towards his students, society, profession, teaching- learning process, knowledge and values. Hence, quality education is possible when a teacher has the ethics and accountability towards his profession.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

President Cleveland Essay -- essays research papers

Grover Cleveland Stephan Grover Cleveland is the fifth of nine children born to Reverend Richard Falley Cleveland and Ann Neal Cleveland. He was born on March 18th of 1837 in Caldwell, New Jersey, although he was raised in Fayetteville, New York. The actual house in which he was born still stands today on 207 Bloomfield Avenue. He was named in honor of Stephan Grover, a minister at a local Presbyterian Church who Reverend Cleveland had recently taken over for. Life as the son of a minister was different than most boys. The Cleveland’s spent every evening at home in prayer. Cleveland felt that this moral upbringing was his most valuable tool in life. Grover Cleveland visited an uncle in Buffalo, New York, and obtained a job in a law firm. While working there, he studied law and by May of 1859, the New York Supreme Court admitted him to the bar. Democratic politics had interested Cleveland since his arrival in Buffalo, so he became the county’s assistant district attorney. In 1865, Confederate General Robert E. Lee had surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. The Confederacy had collapsed and the United States was reunited and slavery was abolished. As the nation returned to peace, twenty-eight-year-old Cleveland won the demanding position of sheriff. When his term ended in 1873, he returned to his infamous law practice. On January 1,1882, Grover Cleveland took an oath to honor the city of Buffalo as their mayor. Cleveland was tough and honest. He was known as the â€Å"Veto Mayor,† because he continuously vetoed bills presented by corrupt politicians. In November of 1882, by a landslide margin of nearly 200,000 votes, Grover Cleveland became know as the â€Å"Veto Governor.† He understood the tremendous challenge of being the Governor of the State of New York, but his principles and values remained as strong as ever. The door to his office was always open, and he kept no secrets. In two years’ time, Cleveland’s stubborn sense of fairness and honesty gave him the nickname â€Å"His Obstinacy.† He passed bills to enlarge the state’s water supply and established a 1.5 million-acre park at Niagara Falls. Due to his reputation, the Democratic Party convinced him to run for president. On the second ballot, Cleveland won the Democratic nomination. The Democrats chose Thomas Hendricks of Indiana, as ... ...irectly with the Treasury crisis, instead of with business failures, farm foreclosures, and increasing unemployment. On October 30, 1893, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act was repealed, and confidence was restored in the American dollar. In spite of Cleveland’s efforts, the national depression worsened, and the Democratic Party was divided. When railroad strikers violated an injunction in Chicago, the President sent Federal troops to break up the strike against the Pullman Company. His blunt treatment of the railroad company was very unpopular. His party deserted him and nominated William Jennings Bryan for president, in 1896. At fifty-nine-years-old, Cleveland felt disgraced as he finished his term in the White House. He retired peacefully in Princeton, New Jersey, but continued pressing for government reforms. At the age of seventy-one, Grover Cleveland died on June 24, 1908. Americans were deeply saddened and mourned the passing of this heavy, robust. man, who was so famous for his tremendous strength and energy. Grover Cleveland will always be remembered as courageous, hardworking, and honest, in spite of the outcome. He was a man of his word, a man of honor.

Friday, October 11, 2019

English: Good and Evil and Television Essay

Assalam O Aliakum all of you after that today is my presentation and my presentation is about Television you know that television is getting very popular and increasing day by day because of connecting the world. There are some advantages and disadvantages and now I am describing about advantages. Advantages 1) First advantage is that you know Karachi bad low and situation is increasing day by day that’s why many people before going to office they switch on the television for knowing about situation that what is going, situation is good and bad and which area is suitable for going to office. 2) Second is that when you have laser time and you are filling dull/boring and if you want passing the time so you can early by watching television because many channels are available on cable for your entertainments like watching movies and watching song and most of peoples like sports channels. 3) Third advantage is that with passing your time you can get knowledge easily because many channels are available which is providing good platforms for you. Like national geographical and discovery channels are most famous in the world. And also Islam channel are available like QTV, MADANI and PEACE for our information. 4) Forth advantage this is very importance for us because now we are student of English language and we do not know how to speak English and how to perform the word with better ascend when we will watch English channels on daily basic so we can easily get. Disadvantages. 1) The first disadvantage is that some people prefer to watch television and do not prefer to work they most of time spend it. 2) Second disadvantage is that a lot of people suffering in desperation and afraid because you know that boom are blasting on daily basic different areas and news channels telecast live. 3) Thirty disadvantages are that some people are going to bad way due to watching television. This type of people do not like to do work hard and they do street crime and robbery etc.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lord of the Flies Essay

In the novel Lord of the Flies, the author places a group of children in a situation where there are no grown ups to control them. On an island, faraway from civilisation, it is up to the schoolboys to establish a new society with new rules, so that they can live together. But their attempt at an ordered life soon falls apart and each of them is driven by an inner beast, which tempts them into evil. The novel suggests that even though man has evolved over the centuries, becoming civilized and leaving the cave for the city, the savage within him still remains. Disconnected from the restrictions of society, he slips back into a life where the strong dominate through fear, and there is no place for the weak other than as blind followers. It raises a very simple yet important question – do the strong always hurt the weak? Hunting is one clear theme from the text, which implies that the author’s answer to this question is ‘yes’. Since the beginning, the boys get classed according to their strength: Ralph is chosen as the chief, the littluns are left to themselves, Piggy and Simon are largely ignored and Jack becomes the leader of the hunters. Jack wants to be the one to provide ‘meat’ for the tribe. Yet, as time goes by, he seems to become more obsessed by the thrill of killing, feeling a â€Å"compulsion to track down and kill† that is â€Å"swallowing him up. † When the boys hunt the sow suckling its piglets, they choose the weakest and most innocent of preys. The killing is described almost as a sexual act indicating the amount of pleasure it gave them: â€Å"Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands. The sow collapsed under them and they were heavy and fulfilled upon her†. In the island’s government, Jack also uses his power to hurt the weak to establish his authority. He shows off his hunting skills to convince the boys that he will be a better leader and give better protection against the feeble. When Roger kills Piggy, Jack screams, â€Å"See? See? That’s what you’ll get! † His set of laws is enforced through fear and punishment, and even when Ralph is alone and defenceless, he wants to hunt him down and kill him. Although Jack and Roger are the most obvious examples of strong hurting the weak, most of the other boys also have the same instinct. Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! † they chant as they act out their hunt around the bonfire and do a savage dance. The performance seems to carry them into a hypnotic trance, which leads to the vicious killing of Simon. By the end of the novel, even the littluns have gone wild. Carried away by fear and violence, they join the hunt for Ralph. It is easy to see that Lord of the Flies reflects a very pessimistic view of human nature. The author seems to judge that the desire to hurt the weak is an inherent instinct in man. The thesis definitely holds true in the world showed in the book. But to fully understand whether it is true or not, it is important to apply it to the real world as well. There are countless examples in everyday life and history that support the thesis question. In 1996, the sports accessories giant Nike was hauled to court for exploiting children under sixteen to work in their sweatshops in Indonesia (Harsono, 1996). Not only was the company breaking Child Labor Laws, it was making the children work like slaves in terrible working conditions. They were being paid the official minimum wage, which was less that $2. 17 per day allowing Nike to make exorbitant profits. Children form the weakest section of human society and therefore are often hurt and exploited. But they in turn, can also become the tormentor for others weaker than themselves. We have all seen kids throwing stones at helpless dogs or stamping on ants just for fun. Playgrounds are filled with bullies who torment the meek. As Golding would say, the instinct to hurt seems to be present in us from birth. In another sensational example of people using their power to abuse the weak, The Independent (Coonan, 2006) recently featured an article revealing the ‘casting couch’ in the Chinese film industry. A Chinese actress Zhang Yu had blown the whistle on a number of famous directors and producers who only agreed to give roles in exchange for sex. And this is not an uncommon scenario. Life seems to be full of people who use their power to get what they want from those in their control. A recent film, The Hostel, explores this desire to hurt in humans, exposing it as a sickness. It is about a different kind of prostitution, where the powerless victims are sold to buyers who get pleasure torturing them. The movie shows the ‘beast’ in human nature at its worst. And the most terrifying is that the writer claims that its storyline is based on reports of true incidents. Yet, despite such strong evidence of support, one can’t help but find Golding’s worldview to be slightly one-sided as there are plenty of examples, which contradict it as well. It is true that people exist who enjoy hurting the weak. But it is also true that people exist who devote their entire life to protecting them. To accept unconditionally that the strong always want to harm the helpless, is to forget the Mother Theresas and the Nelson Mandelas of this world. The thesis ignores the human rights workers, lawyers, medical aides who work tirelessly for the cause of the weak. In the Genesis (1: 1-25), God is said to create light and darkness, water and earth, bird and beast. And so, just as there is evil, there is also good. It is a duality that is inherent in life. Is the desire to hurt the weak instinctive in man? In the imaginary world of the Lord of the Flies the answer is ‘yes’. But in real life, the issue is too complex for so absolute an answer. We cannot arrive at the truth by simply ignoring the better side of human nature and considering only the worst or vice versa. Golding’s outlook is all-inclusive and too generalized. The novel itself gives the first seed of doubt in the form of Simon. He helps the littluns collect fruit to eat. For every Jack in this world, there exists at least one Simon. If it were a universal truth that deep down all humans feel a desire to hurt the weak, his presence would be hard to explain indeed. Reference

The Princess fairytales

â€Å"How have I become who I am today? † This is a question that adults ponder on a daily basis. There is a large amount of resources such as authoritative figures, books and experiences, which can influence your character. There is however, an important force that contributes to a human’s characteristics today- fairytales. Fairytales are fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually intended for children. What is not known though is what effect a fairytale has on a person today. Bruno Bettelheim’s The Uses of Enchantment, reveals a revelation on the enormous value of fairytales. In order to support Bettelheim’s theories the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House have been analyzed. Theories similar to Bettelheim’s by psychologists Sigmund Freud, Renee Hall and Jack Zipes are used to describe the meanings and importance of these fairytales. Characters representation in these fairytales support psychologists' theories such as those in Bruno Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment that suggest that fairytales have an influence on children through the principles of reality versus pleasure principle, self discovery and approach to problems. Representation of characters in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid and The Mouse Princess, support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Sigmund Freud's theories that suggest fairytales contribute to progress in a child through recognition of pleasure to the reality of life. Bruno Bettelheim develops the concept of the moral conscience first explored by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud's theories says, † The commands of the moral conscience come from the personal perception and appropriation of values which we discover in the stories or examples of persons we want to be like†. SG1) Freud means to say that our thoughts come from our perceptions of stories or persons that we wish to be like. Bettelheim builds on this theory, and further explains, † Identification with [characters] teaches that there are developments-possibilities of progress from the pleasure principle to the reality principle†. (UE43) Bettelheim means that fairytales can help a c hild realize the difference between pleasure and reality, through the solutions characters find to their problems. For example, in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, the main character Tiana is characterized as a girl who wishes upon an Evening Star. Tiana therefore finds pleasure in believing that her dreams can come true by wishing on the star. Reality is shown to Tiana by her father though, when he says, † †¦ that old star can only take you part of the way, you've got to help it along with some hard work of your own. † (P&F8) From this fairytale, a child can learn that success takes work and dedication, and that one must not believe in success coming instantly. Another fairytale where the reality versus pleasure principle can be shown is The Little Mermaid. Like Tiana, the little mermaid is a character who seeks pleasure in dreams of transforming from mermaid to human. The mermaid's reality though, shows in the excerpt that says, † A two-edged sword seemed to thrust itself through her delicate body; she fainted, and lay as though dead. † (LM61) Children can learn that in reality, a sacrifice, big or small, sometimes has to be made in order to achieve your goals in life. In the story The Mouse Princess, pleasure is shown by the Prince's brothers when they choose beauty in order to find success. Reality is shown to the brothers though, when the authors says,† Indeed, there was little to choose between them for looks and arrogance. (MP206/207) The Prince's brothers find that their wives were not adequate enough. A child gets the message from this fairytale that there are consequences when one does not search for quality in order to gain their desires in life. CONCLUSION The character's representation in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Seventh Father of the House, and The Little Mermaid, support the theories of psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph which suggest that fairytales contribute to a child's progression through the process of self- discovery. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states, â€Å"Children are searching for the solutions†¦ â€Å"Who am I? How ought I to deal with life's problems? â€Å"†¦ the fairytale has a consistent structure with a definite beginning and a plot that moves toward a satisfying solution which is reached at the end. † (UE47/57) Bettelheim explains that fairytales provide answers to important questions that children begin to question when their lives begin. The answers that they obtain help to shape the child's process of thought, leading him to discover his capabilities. The structure provided in the fairytale in turn gives the child a guideline to follow. A child identifies with the structures and characters, which both help the child understand why the child feels and thinks the way he or she does. Psychologist Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph, in her article entitled, Fairytales as Guide to Self Understanding, she says, â€Å"Due largely due to the work of Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, Joseph Campbell and others fairy tales along with myths have become a satisfying and surprising way to get a larger view of oneself†¦ Becoming one's authentic self or Individuation is always the endgame of the fairy tale’s journey. † (MR1) Randolph simply states that through reading and understanding fairytales, one can find themselves by the end of the story. The process of self discovery is shown in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana is faced with the problem of being magically turned into a frog. Tiana finds herself when the story states, â€Å"There was something special about her. She knew that my daddy taught me well. He always knew what was important. â€Å"(PF54) Throughout the story, Tiana finds that her strength is staying focused to the task that she had originally planned to succeed at, which was having her own restaurant. From this experience, a child learns that there may be extraordinary problems that one may encounter, but at the end of the trial, one will always learn something about himself. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, the traveller discovers that he has the drive to follow through with his plans to find a place to stay. The traveller must ask seven men in order to find a place to stay. By the end of the process, the traveller finally asks,† Good Evening Father! Will you put me up for the night? † (7F14) By the end stage of this fairytale, the traveller has learnt that he indeed has the drive to follow through on plans, even though he had to go through many men in order to get to where he has ended. From this ordeal, a child learns that in order to find yourself, or what you are good at, you must never give up. The process of self discovery can finally be seen in the fairytale The Little Mermaid. The mermaid almost lost her life in an attempt to figure out what she truly wanted in her life. In a turn of events, the fairytale states, â€Å"The knife quivered in her hand-then she flung it far out in the waves; she looked at the prince, she threw herself from the ship into the sea, where she felt her body dissolving into foam. † (LM68) The mermaid thought she knew what she wanted, then realized that the suffering she had gone through was not worth her dream. A child can learn that one has to go through ordeals, big or small, and some may even suffer in the hopes of finally becoming the person he would like to be. CONCLUSION A character's representation in the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Jack Zipes theories that suggest fairytales contribute to the development of a child through the concept of the correct approach to problem solving. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states that, † †¦ too many parents want their children's mind to function as their own do.. f he becomes more able to understand others, and eventually can relate to them in ways which are mutually satisfying and meaningful. â€Å"(UE1) This means that fairytales can help a child's mind function in a manner that is understanding to them and give the child proper problem solving skills that would be essential to them for the future. Jack Zipes analysis o f problem solving through fairytales can be found in his work entitled, Why Fairytales Stick, Zipes says, † fairy tales were designed to communicate ideas about natural instinct, social relations, normative behaviour, character types†¦ (JZ99). Zipes suggests that a fairytale was meant to serve the function of helping to solve problems, therefore shadowing the beliefs of Bettelheim. In the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana turns into a frog, the reader is introduced to an unrealistic situation, but still a process where problem solving tactics are involved. Tiana was able to solve her problems by asking questions and making sure she received answers that would help her solve the dilemma. A child can learn the important skill of problem solving from Tiana by following in her footsteps and asking for help from the right person in order to solve a problem. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, problems arise between the Prince and his brothers. The story says, â€Å"But the Countess and the Duke's daughter glared haughtily at one another over their bridegrooms' heads, all their past friendship forgotten in their present rivalry. † (MP215) The Prince was able to successfully find a bride through this hard work and perseverance. The Prince was able to solve his problem and gain positive aspects when he earned his father's crown, and earning the resentment of his lazy brothers. This story teaches children that without the correct problem solving skills, the result of the task will be negative. Similarly to Tiana, the traveller in The Seventh Father of the House was able to analyze the situation that he was put in, and ask a multitude of questions to several people, and finally able to find a healthy solution to his task- finding a place to stay. â€Å"How have I become who I am today? † This is a question that adults ponder on a daily basis. There is a large amount of resources such as authoritative figures, books and experiences, which can influence your character. There is however, an important force that contributes to a human’s characteristics today- fairytales. Fairytales are fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually intended for children. What is not known though is what effect a fairytale has on a person today. Bruno Bettelheim’s The Uses of Enchantment, reveals a revelation on the enormous value of fairytales. In order to support Bettelheim’s theories the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House have been analyzed. Theories similar to Bettelheim’s by psychologists Sigmund Freud, Renee Hall and Jack Zipes are used to describe the meanings and importance of these fairytales. Characters representation in these fairytales support psychologists' theories such as those in Bruno Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment that suggest that fairytales have an influence on children through the principles of reality versus pleasure principle, self discovery and approach to problems. Representation of characters in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid and The Mouse Princess, support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Sigmund Freud's theories that suggest fairytales contribute to progress in a child through recognition of pleasure to the reality of life. Bruno Bettelheim develops the concept of the moral conscience first explored by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud's theories says, † The commands of the moral conscience come from the personal perception and appropriation of values which we discover in the stories or examples of persons we want to be like†. SG1) Freud means to say that our thoughts come from our perceptions of stories or persons that we wish to be like. Bettelheim builds on this theory, and further explains, † Identification with [characters] teaches that there are developments-possibilities of progress from the pleasure principle to the reality principle†. (UE43) Bettelheim means that fairytales can help a c hild realize the difference between pleasure and reality, through the solutions characters find to their problems. For example, in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, the main character Tiana is characterized as a girl who wishes upon an Evening Star. Tiana therefore finds pleasure in believing that her dreams can come true by wishing on the star. Reality is shown to Tiana by her father though, when he says, † †¦ that old star can only take you part of the way, you've got to help it along with some hard work of your own. † (P&F8) From this fairytale, a child can learn that success takes work and dedication, and that one must not believe in success coming instantly. Another fairytale where the reality versus pleasure principle can be shown is The Little Mermaid. Like Tiana, the little mermaid is a character who seeks pleasure in dreams of transforming from mermaid to human. The mermaid's reality though, shows in the excerpt that says, † A two-edged sword seemed to thrust itself through her delicate body; she fainted, and lay as though dead. † (LM61) Children can learn that in reality, a sacrifice, big or small, sometimes has to be made in order to achieve your goals in life. In the story The Mouse Princess, pleasure is shown by the Prince's brothers when they choose beauty in order to find success. Reality is shown to the brothers though, when the authors says,† Indeed, there was little to choose between them for looks and arrogance. (MP206/207) The Prince's brothers find that their wives were not adequate enough. A child gets the message from this fairytale that there are consequences when one does not search for quality in order to gain their desires in life. CONCLUSION The character's representation in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Seventh Father of the House, and The Little Mermaid, support the theories of psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph which suggest that fairytales contribute to a child's progression through the process of self- discovery. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states, â€Å"Children are searching for the solutions†¦ â€Å"Who am I? How ought I to deal with life's problems? â€Å"†¦ the fairytale has a consistent structure with a definite beginning and a plot that moves toward a satisfying solution which is reached at the end. † (UE47/57) Bettelheim explains that fairytales provide answers to important questions that children begin to question when their lives begin. The answers that they obtain help to shape the child's process of thought, leading him to discover his capabilities. The structure provided in the fairytale in turn gives the child a guideline to follow. A child identifies with the structures and characters, which both help the child understand why the child feels and thinks the way he or she does. Psychologist Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph, in her article entitled, Fairytales as Guide to Self Understanding, she says, â€Å"Due largely due to the work of Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, Joseph Campbell and others fairy tales along with myths have become a satisfying and surprising way to get a larger view of oneself†¦ Becoming one's authentic self or Individuation is always the endgame of the fairy tale’s journey. † (MR1) Randolph simply states that through reading and understanding fairytales, one can find themselves by the end of the story. The process of self discovery is shown in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana is faced with the problem of being magically turned into a frog. Tiana finds herself when the story states, â€Å"There was something special about her. She knew that my daddy taught me well. He always knew what was important. â€Å"(PF54) Throughout the story, Tiana finds that her strength is staying focused to the task that she had originally planned to succeed at, which was having her own restaurant. From this experience, a child learns that there may be extraordinary problems that one may encounter, but at the end of the trial, one will always learn something about himself. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, the traveller discovers that he has the drive to follow through with his plans to find a place to stay. The traveller must ask seven men in order to find a place to stay. By the end of the process, the traveller finally asks,† Good Evening Father! Will you put me up for the night? † (7F14) By the end stage of this fairytale, the traveller has learnt that he indeed has the drive to follow through on plans, even though he had to go through many men in order to get to where he has ended. From this ordeal, a child learns that in order to find yourself, or what you are good at, you must never give up. The process of self discovery can finally be seen in the fairytale The Little Mermaid. The mermaid almost lost her life in an attempt to figure out what she truly wanted in her life. In a turn of events, the fairytale states, â€Å"The knife quivered in her hand-then she flung it far out in the waves; she looked at the prince, she threw herself from the ship into the sea, where she felt her body dissolving into foam. † (LM68) The mermaid thought she knew what she wanted, then realized that the suffering she had gone through was not worth her dream. A child can learn that one has to go through ordeals, big or small, and some may even suffer in the hopes of finally becoming the person he would like to be. CONCLUSION A character's representation in the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Jack Zipes theories that suggest fairytales contribute to the development of a child through the concept of the correct approach to problem solving. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states that, † †¦ too many parents want their children's mind to function as their own do.. f he becomes more able to understand others, and eventually can relate to them in ways which are mutually satisfying and meaningful. â€Å"(UE1) This means that fairytales can help a child's mind function in a manner that is understanding to them and give the child proper problem solving skills that would be essential to them for the future. Jack Zipes analysis o f problem solving through fairytales can be found in his work entitled, Why Fairytales Stick, Zipes says, † fairy tales were designed to communicate ideas about natural instinct, social relations, normative behaviour, character types†¦ (JZ99). Zipes suggests that a fairytale was meant to serve the function of helping to solve problems, therefore shadowing the beliefs of Bettelheim. In the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana turns into a frog, the reader is introduced to an unrealistic situation, but still a process where problem solving tactics are involved. Tiana was able to solve her problems by asking questions and making sure she received answers that would help her solve the dilemma. A child can learn the important skill of problem solving from Tiana by following in her footsteps and asking for help from the right person in order to solve a problem. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, problems arise between the Prince and his brothers. The story says, â€Å"But the Countess and the Duke's daughter glared haughtily at one another over their bridegrooms' heads, all their past friendship forgotten in their present rivalry. † (MP215) The Prince was able to successfully find a bride through this hard work and perseverance. The Prince was able to solve his problem and gain positive aspects when he earned his father's crown, and earning the resentment of his lazy brothers. This story teaches children that without the correct problem solving skills, the result of the task will be negative. Similarly to Tiana, the traveller in The Seventh Father of the House was able to analyze the situation that he was put in, and ask a multitude of questions to several people, and finally able to find a healthy solution to his task- finding a place to stay.